Dirty Pants…

So yeah..its been about a week, or over and im still crapping left and right..just once i would love to eat a meal and have it stick!!! Sheesh…..

We spent all day Friday at the doctors and i do mean all day except that brief time period that we went to pick up the kids..And then it was right back to the hospital for yet another CT..and more yucky tasting stuff to drink. To which the response was we couldn’t find anything, gave me good drugs and sent me home.

My doctor called this morning and said oh..you have a cyst on your ovaries and one hell of a bruise on your kidneys..im like gee, thanks?? So what do we do to fix it..oh, its non-consequential…um i don’t think so. Hello..it hurts!! Dumb boys..i should have gotten a female doctor..

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Cysts on ovaries usually disappear because they are fluid filled. Sometimes the size fluctuates during the cycle and sometimes it disappears completely. Now a fibroid is a different story. That is a hard muscle mass. Which I just had surgically removed. The size of a grapefruit.

September 10, 2007

AWE! I hope you start feeling better soon!