My brother turned me on to orchids like he turned me onto books. A little tease at first then encouraged as a passion.
I have fond memories of my early retirement traveling with him around the region to large and small orchid shops. As with anything he did, he was the expert. I picked up some gems on these trips. Some are hard to get to bloom and others put on an annual show for me.
I have one from his house. After his death, each of his siblings and nieces and nephews picked through them with reverence. They are all doing well and mine is starting to bloom as I sit here writing in OD. I wish I knew how to share a pic. I think because I write on an iPad, I am limited.
Nevertheless, orchids are one thing I can continue to share with him and they never fail to bring a smile to my face.
Peace and tranquility
I lost two of my brothers a year ago, so I understand the connection through orchids. My latest entry is on our orchids.
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I love that orchids are still a bridge to your brother. Orchids are just the most exquisite flowers. We’ve tried to grow and killed many. It could be the dry Colorado air….but that would be an excuse for our general ineptitude! :)xo
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Oh! Orchids are quite something, aren’t they? How lovely that you discovered them with your brother as your guide. I am so sorry for your loss of a beloved brother, happy that you have an orchid he would have wanted to go with someone he loved. {{{Nimue}}} I have over the past four years slowly become a lover of orchids myself. I have friends online that grow them and have some youtube favorites (Rick L. and Ed’s Orchids) who have helped me enormously. It is a lovely time to begin learning something new as I’m retired from Massage Therapy now. WIshing you well and sending love to you. I hope you can figure out how to add an image from your iPad, I’d love to see those blooms!
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