bloody Wednesday 12-12-12
There will not be another 12/12/12 for another century. And so far I am grateful for that if the next one proves to foretell similiar events that have taken place today.
And there have only been just over 2 hours since I woke up. I didn’t want to get out of bed, that isn’t unusual though. My living room side table lamp has been sucking the electricity out of the bulbs. This has happened about three times within four days. At first I thought it was faulty bulbs. I looked it up on google. I began to try to screw the bulbs in not as tightly. The same thing is still happening.
I made sure that my heater fan isn’t plugged in or on when I have the lamp on. I also read that when metal on the lamp gets pushed up this can cause the bulb to burn out quickly. So darwinism being at its finest, I pushed on this piece of metal. Keep in mind it was early. And yes I was being a dumbass because the lamp was plugged in at the time. I got a mild electric shock. I have no qualms with the possibility that I may have woken up the Anima girls though. The annoying girls who live across the hall from me.They are often loud when I am trying to get to sleep. So a bit of noise from me, is well deserved.
Yesterday I noticed that my toe beside the pinkie toe was itchy. I looked and had an angry looking bump on it. I wondered if it was some kind of infection. I tried to look it up online. And just found chillblains which are from the skin being cold. I haven’t had frostbite that badly though. I tried to apply a waterproof bandaid. Only to find out they won’t stick if there is a generous blob of polysporene on the infected area. So I just put some polysporene on the toe and went to bed.
After my mild shock I was having some coffee and watching music videos. I looked at the toe and noticed blood. I went to get a tissue to clean it off. Then I thought to myself "Oh maybe it was a blood blister." I went to get ready and was about to grab my breakfast and lunch then head out the door to warm my car up. I looked at my hand my finger was dripping blood. I didn’t even feel pain until then.
I would wipe the blood off momentarily attempt to clot it. Then see more blood a few minutes later. I put a bandaid on to slow the bleeding. It worked for a little while. The bandaid was soaked though by the time I got to work though. So I then had some time to focus on applying pressure. And the bleeding finally stopped. That is my day so far. How is your day going?
wow! That is crazy! I hope its nothing serious and heals quickly!
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Wow. I would have felt like turning around and going home. Freaky about the lamp, too!
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Sure hope all is well.
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