
It is minus 27 degrees Fahrenheit here right now. Where I live there can be great amounts of snow and intensely cold temperatures. So we rarely get snow/cold weather days. If we did, people would rarely go to school/work. I really don’t like it though. The cold is depressing and annoying but what I find more challenging is the icy/snowy roads. And yeah the city does try to clear them for the priority roads. Last year some idiot (probably the mayor) decided that the city wouldn’t clear residential streets until there were extremely rutted with snow. People were having a difficult time getting out of their own driveways.


Then after that there was mysteriously a surplus in the budget for snow removal. By  then it was almost spring. Karl and I had a great time on the weekend. For some dumb reason he is obsessed with surfing though. Yes surfing in Canada. So his place is to move somewhere that he can surf. He thinks with a wetsuit he will be alright in the winter. We went to a craft sale on Saturday. I bought a pair of earrings with small colored beads and a bead/stone that looks like turquoise at the bottom. There was other nice jewelry there but too expensive for me. Karl eats more junk food than any other adult that I have met. It is funny to watch him act like a 5 year old eating a ton of crap.

He bought a popcorn ball there and I bought him a candy cane. Before that we went to Sobeys. They had black forest croissants there. They have the cherry filling, whipped cream inside and chocolate drizzled on the top. They were 2 for $2 regularly $4. So I bought 4. He ate 2 that day, the other crap plus a cookie later on at subway. He is 6 foot nine and already too skinny for that height. He somehow got it in his head that eating one meal consisting of tofu vegetables.fruit and a few snacks is enough for him. I told him that he should be eating more.

And that eating once a day, isn’t healthy. There is nothing wrong with going vegetarian. But people need a lot of protein and not just from tofu. And he has already lost 30 pounds. I told if he keeps it up, he could get anorexia or long term health problems due to what he is doing. I sent him a few articles via facebook yesterday. His reply was "at least I’m not anorexic." I told him over time his body/brain and hunger cues will begin to adjust and not respond as much and that anorexia can mean very limited amounts of food as well as no food. I concluded with this "It is your life though."

And he claims he doesn’t eat much candy or dessert these days, yet as I mentioned before he is excessive about how much he has when we spend time together. It is hard for him to fit into clothing because he is so tall. So I think that is one reason he lost the weight. It isn’t anything for him to be proud of. I know I’m not his Mom or girlfriend, I should just stay out of it really. I will continue the entry later… So yeah I kind of gave him shit a bit, but in a nice way. When we were in a relationship I seemed to constantly be annoyed by him. I’m not saying it was his fault, he’s a good guy. But he would do things that would piss me off. On Saturday we were going to a bank so I could get money from the ATM. As we went through the drive through section he was weaving the car back and forth a bit (I think to get a reaction from me.) I just smiled and said yeah in the past that would have pissed me off.

He was surprised how tolerant I was. After the craft sale we went to the Lucky Bastard distillery. I asked for a tour. The guy helping us said "do you want the tour done by me or a pirate." I chose the pirate of course. Always go with the pirate! He didn’t talk like a pirate though. He was talking about how how size matters and his bunghole (a cork for one of the storage barrels for the alcohol.) So that was amusing. I really like the labels that they make. They have pinup girls on them. They had 2 lifesize pinups (a blonde and a redhead) with the empty space where the head is, so people can take pics. This man who was with us on the tour, posed as a pinup girl, hah! After we had a sampling. For some reason I thought they were just giving us a rum sample. I think the girl may have given more for different kinds of alcohol.

I was busy looking around at the merchandise though. I bought a bottle of rum to have with eggnog and other beverages. It was expensive but it is an independent place, so they have to charge more. Then we went to Value Village and after that the Salvation Army thrift store. at Value village Karl saw this wooden looking cat figurine that he said sold at Dollarama for $2.00. It was $8.00 at Value Village. This lady actually picked it up and looked as though she was going to buy it, ha. Pretty much everything there is overpriced. I did find a small round casserole dish. I don’t know the name of the pattern or I would provide a link for a pic of it. Oh I found it, Homestead, From the 1970’s. Not the cutest or a hard to find pattern. It will be good for cooking veggies and pasta dishes though. http://www.iadorestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/DSC_0087.jpg The casserold dish didn’t come with a lid. And I bought juice glasses that look like this. img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/6072646/il_570xN.265264214.jpg to go with  my Orange Slice pyrex carafe. They were $4 for four, which isn’t a great bargain.  Then we went to Salvation Army. It is just across the street from Value Village. They don’t jack up the prices though. I had a coupon for spend $10 get3.00 off. I couldn’t find enough items to use the coupon though.

I was being immature trying to make karl laugh. There was a horrible looking ceramic gourd that had springy wire on the end and looked like a penis. So I was shaking it at Karl. And this weird little old man red crocheted face with crotcheted balls hanging from it. So I said to Karl "Hey Karl check out the red old man balls." And this weird little doll that had a mouth with a hole in it. So I was sticking the wick of an angel candle in there. Karl was eating that day. We went to Wendy’s and later to Subway. On Sunday we did a few more errands and I gave him a book that I knew he would like, he was pretty happy about it. A few entries ago I wrote about my friend Mark the great conversationalist.

We met via pof but are just friends. I think in the beginning both of us may have had thoughts about more than friendship happening. I felt ambivalent about it. So yeah nothing happened other than hugs, ooh pretty racy. So I was looking at his pof profile about a week ago. He is in a relationship now? I don’t feel betrayed by that in any way, nor would I have any right to. Prior to that he had been messaging me once or twice a week. We would converse about what was going on in our lives. The texts were never flirty. We have quite a few things in common. So after I saw he was in a relationship I decided to text him, it had been a while. We were supposed to do something a few weeks ago. When I had that gross canker sore and it was that time of the month. So I didn’t contact him then, and he didn’t get in touch with me. I didn’t want to, just ask if he has a girlfriend. I don’t know why but it

seems weird that I checked out his profile. Even though he mentioned mine quite a few times in past. He mentioned that he went to his office Christmas part, I asked if he took anyone. "No I just went alone." I asked what was new, he discussed books that he was reading and his daughter. He said pretty much nothing. So that’s ok he doesn’t mention that he is in a relationship. He had asked me to go see a band with him last weekend. He sent me a text that night to cancel. Some friends were coming over to their place with their daughter. He and his ex are tied into the house financially so they live in the same house. Maybe he’s back with her? And no he isn’t a shifty guy or a chach by any means. Just a nice guy.

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December 10, 2013

Its 43 degrees here and I hate how cold it is. I wouldnt make it anywhere there is snow. :/ He can add calories really easy, like put protein powder in with all his meals, add it to cereal, milk, etc… I hope he listens to you. Changing diet can be dangerous if not done properly.