
I did reply to Facebook guys message last night. Scroll back an entry if that doesn’t make sense. I won’t post the messages just give the jist of it. He was saying that he was sore from working out, that his chest hurt and he was going for a massage today. I mentioned that he must have worked out too hard then told him I thought it was great that he was so dedicated to working out.

Then the conversation/messages got weird. He was saying how the ladies love his body. So then in my next message i just put "That must make you feel good, doesn’t your girlfriend get jealous?" And he said that she doesn’t know. I took that to mean he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. Then in his next message he said there is nothing wrong with a little bit of flirting, but there is a limit to it. I was feeling pretty awkward at this point and replied "I don’t even know how to flirt anymore, I haven’t for around two years." He found that pretty funny, its true though. I didn’t flirt with anyone else, during the time that I was in a relationship with karl. And yeah maybe harmless flirting is ok, I don’t know.

So then Facebook guy puts in his next message "Flirting is easy just tell the guy if he was single you would sleep with him." I was thinking wtf he must be joking. So I replied well that could work all too well. He asked what I meant. My reply was "Well if I told some guy I wanted to sleep with him he could either dump his girlfriend or would want to cheat on her." He didn’t reply. So I thought ok maybe he was trying to be funny or I somehow went too far with my "work too well" comment. Then tonight I was on Facebook again. I decided to forgive Karl for not getting back to me  after the last message I sent him to let him know I was getting over a cold. I have a Frank Sinatra video to give him. I bought it for him long ago. And even then he had pissed me off.

I had bought him a few things then messaged him to let him know what I bought him. And he didn’t even acknowledge via message that I had done that. I didn’t expect him to kiss my feet but a simple thank you or that was cool, would have sufficed. Finally at the time I told him I thought it was rude that he didn’t reply when I had bought him some items that I thought he would like. And he said that he had planned on thanking me in person. Well how was I supposed to know that I’m not a mind reader. I felt he was being ungrateful which I know is petty, but that is how I felt. And I decided to wait to give him the items I had picked out, just for him. And yes our relationship often involved me getting annoyed and him being patient. We are going out for lunch and to check out some second hand stores on Saturday. So back to Facebook guy. He sent me a hello message a while ago, with a smiley face. My intuition tells me to try to avoid him. Either he is looking for validation in general or trying to flirt. It just doesn’t seem innocent to me.


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well if i had a facebook i would flirt with you… big time…sorry to read you and Karl are no longer together… and you are still a hottie to me… yeah i know this is all over the places! good to read you… tc

December 10, 2013

Yeah Facebook guy is coming off as a bit of a creeper. I’d try to avoid that. I get the whole “harmless flirtation” thing, but if he has to go seeking it out from people, there’s a problem. Doesn’t sound like he’d feel too much remorse in cheating on his girlfriend either. Hope things go well with Karl. Facebook really makes relationships a little more difficult doesn’t it? Too much access, I say.

December 10, 2013

RYN: thanks for the advice. And you’re right, it’s definitely better he brought this up now instead of months in. I just wish he’d brought it up in the first place instead of pushing us into something and then pulling away. I’m just still trying to feel things out and see what happens for now.