What else is new

I got fired today from the new restaurant. I thought I was about 10 minutes early, and got there to discover I was 20 minutes late. There’s more details involving a bitchy manager that didn’t like me from the start (for no reason), but they’re not all that important.

That puts me in a tight spot as far as moving is concerned. I don’t know what I’m going to do. Get another server position for a month or two, I guess.

I’m pretty unhappy about it.

I don’t really feel like talking about it more.


Existence baffles me. I spend a lot of time forgetting that it does. My need to justify things and operate on logic backfires when I look at things from the wrong perspectives. I don’t see how anyone deals with it. I don’t see how I’m dealing with it. I’m still alive, so I guess I have so far. Except for this one time.

Also on my mind is my loneliness that doesn’t exist. I don’t think I’m doing so hot of a job convincing myself anymore. There’s certainly not a short-term solution for that, and long-term seems even less plausible. My standards of measurement are so high now that anyone who met them would be too good for me.

I’ve become more and more antisocial. I prefer it. I go out under feelings of obligation only now. If I had known what I was obligating myself to, maybe I would’ve never started caring in the first place. Life needs more warning labels and license agreements. Not that it would help, 95% of people don’t read them 99% of the time already.


I feel tired. Not physically, mentally, or emotionally, but the kind of tired maybe someone on their deathbed feels. Old, maybe. Worn out. I just want peace, and rest.

And something other than existence.

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September 5, 2005

My standards of measurement are so high now that anyone who met them would be too good for me. Love this sentence.

September 5, 2005

i don’t know either. ever feel like you are waiting for your real life to start? sometimes i think this one is a joke….and not a very good one at that. take care.

September 6, 2005

I am so sorry about the getting fired thing. That is such a horrid feeling. Been there and done that. Hope you feel better soon honey

September 6, 2005

I’m with Smug. And I didn’t know you used to write. But, yes, it does seem to fit. Also, thank you very much for the compliment. It’s appreciated. And I don’t smoke. I live with a smoker. Who called me up while I was out and asked me to pick cigarettes up.

September 10, 2005

i just feel like i should say that anti-social people are hot. i should know, i am one. ryn: the hospital adventure was grand fun. we never did make it back to try the second buildng. care to come along for that one? 😉

September 14, 2005

Well, it wasn’t unsolicited advice time. But anyway, I don’t happen to like long hair. Regardless, it’s already in the process of growing out for Luke.

September 14, 2005

I didn’t really care that your advice was unsolicited. I was kidding but I read back over that and realized there was nothing in the note to indicate such. So I’m letting you know. I was just messing around.

September 16, 2005

My standards of measurement are so high now that anyone who met them would be too good for me. i thought that this sentence was fantasic as well

September 16, 2005

ryn: when i leave i’ll say goodbye. stop being so damn self-deprecating. people and letters are interchangable.

September 18, 2005

I’m also with Smug – a beautifully written entry, despite its melancholy. I’m sorry that you’ve been fired, and that you feel old – take something up. A new hobby. Crochet, or something. RYN: You’re absolutely right about Roubel, and I was a complete tool to even imagine anything more than nothing between us. I’m pretty sure I’ve learnt my lesson now. x

September 20, 2005

ryn: *grin* i do have an accent. it’s not a canadian one, thank god. newfoundlander’s have our own accent. mine is mostly british with a lot of irish thrown in when i am excited/angry. 😉

September 20, 2005

RYN: “Swoop?” I guess I should know what that means, being a girl and all. 😉 And yes my boyfriend is hot… I don’t think my girlfriends would make out with me. Sad huh? 😉

September 20, 2005

Oh and RYN again: Yes, my glasses are prescription.

September 22, 2005

RYN: I don’t know any details about the letters or what they said. The only reason I can think that he did this is because he has been horribly depressed. And it was his sister that blew me off in Las Vegas, not him. I don’t even have his phone number, so I didn’t know how to reach him while I was there. It’s just a huge mess.

September 22, 2005

RYN: I’m aware that my bug-fear is completely irrational, and that therefore it is pointless and unnecessary, but like many other people out there… that means jack when there’s a spider on my foot. Bats. I like bats. I wouldn’t like one in my living room, but seeing them at night is pretty funky. We get a lot of them here, too. xxx

September 22, 2005

The last section of your entry really hit home. I know how it feels to just be tired. And no, things haven’t gotten better, and as far as I know I didn’t do anything for my family to ignore me. It’s just the way they are. Actually… My mom got plastic surgery. Not my sister. That makes it so much worse, doesn’t it? A 50 year old woman getting her boobs done, and getting lipo. Destiny…