
So, as I’ve been saying I was going to for a while, I’ve now moved to Las Vegas.

Pictures of my move

I like it here already. I have comments on things, but that doesn’t really sound worthwhile. The dryness makes me thirsty. My apartment is great. I love the feel and look of the city. I don’t have a job yet. That’s good enough.

My hair is short. I don’t like it.

I hated goodbyes. I think I’m really good at them, though. Everyone is always saying that they’re bad at goodbyes. I think I make them exactly what I want them to be. Not dramatic, but not valueless. I effectively minimize my hate.

Moving has made me reflect. I think I’ve done an excellent job of managing myself ever since I decided to make my own choices at whatever age I decided to stop sucking. I think that without considerable actual hardship, I’ve overcome more than a few theological dilemmas that might have confounded/killed less logical minds. I don’t think it’s anything to be proud of, and can’t understand why everyone hasn’t done this, and why I didn’t do it faster. I blame teaching, maybe.

Vegas is a difficult town to explain. It’s not as obviously new as I thought it might be, but still has a great appeal, especially to me. It’s the kind of city that, on a whole, doesn’t really mess around with following procedure, or being polite, but really quits beating around the bush about its content, and puts itself out there. No underhanded sex-selling. Things are just blatant, loud, and straightforward. Not 100% truthful, but not apprehensive. Metaphorically speaking.

I got attacked by a police dog. My roommates and I were attempting to go to the movies, and there was heavy police presence in the parking lot. I walked up to an officer and asked if the area was closed, if I should leave, to which he responded “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THE DOG!” Once he started freaking the fuck out, the dog started freaking the fuck out, whereas before it was calmly laying down, not caring that I walked right past it. So then I was pinned between a truck and the dog that was jumping on me. I didn’t really do much, just waited for the officer to get his dog under control and tried not to seem threatening or expose my arms for being bitten. Once the dog backed down (maybe 4 seconds later), the officer yelled “ARE YOU RETARDED!?!?” I made a sarcastic comment about how calmly and effectively he handled someone talking to him, and then he answered my question and said that yes everyone should leave the area. He didn’t seem to think too well on his feet, or handle social interactions well at all. Being that kind of jackass can’t be good for his line of work, it seems like that might get someone killed.

It doesn’t work as well in type, so I don’t try often, but I think I might be sarcastic a larger percent of the time than I am serious. I don’t know why I have such a penchant for stating the opposite of the obvious. Maybe because it’s amusing when people don’t understand.

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November 20, 2005

That is the charm of sarcasm, I think. I plan on looking at these pictures again at work, where the connection is faster. You are trying to crash my dinky computer. I dig the hair.

November 20, 2005

RYN: Why? Because sometimes being content and alone just isn’t enough for me.

November 20, 2005

You have pretty female friends… that’s for sure. Being the corny person that I am, I really liked the rearview mirror photo. Post more photos. Please.

November 21, 2005

glad your move went well… as far as your notage….i think more of it is that i tend to think better under pressure, and i’m usually more witty when i’m angry. plus i like to piss people off. i don’t really initiate conflict out of boredom….honestly i don’t have time to be bored. maybe it’s because people are more honest when they’re pissed off. take your pick. good enough?

November 22, 2005

I don’t believe you’ve ever left me a sarcastic note. Unless they’re so sarcastic I can’t tell. ryn: I work with her. She’s a bit hard to avoid. What do you want me to do, quit my job?

November 22, 2005

You did it! And I dig the hair, too. ryn: Care to define the creepy “it”?

November 27, 2005

Congratulations on the move. I haven’t spoken to you in a while, and I hope that you’re well.

November 27, 2005

i quite enjoyed the pictures. nice touch. but. vegas? really? i’ve always thought i wouldn’t like the best, it being too…flashy and plastic or something. i imagined it would all look horribly depressing during the day without the neon lights. now that you live in Vegas, i think the obvious thing to do is run off with a showgirl.

November 30, 2005

RYN: GREAT QUESTION on my last entry. I’m very insecure about my body, and usually do leave it up to Brad to initiate sexual activities. If and when I do initiate (which is happening more often)I make it very simple. Something to the effect of, “Can we have sex please?” Haha. Or I flash him. Either way… it usually works out pretty well for both of us. 😉

November 30, 2005

RYN: First kisses: I refer to the one I did, purely because the first two were very brief, very meaningless, and I was so revoltingly drunk I barely remember them anyway. As for posting close-up pictures… there really is no particular reason for it, just as there should be no reason against it. Look hard enough and you’ll find some more distant ones, if that’s what you’re after. Hope you’re

November 30, 2005

settling in to Vegas alright.

December 1, 2005

ryn: my last entry i wrote was a private entry, not a favorite only entry or anything. i don’t usually write favorites only entries but rest assured you would be included if i did. thanks for actually caring, heh.

December 2, 2005

RYN: I don’t know what type it is yet. The major symptom thus far is the inflamation of my optic nerve, which causes a certain amount of blindness. It sucks, but I’ll be okay.

December 2, 2005

How is Vegas?

December 2, 2005

RYN: It’s so funny you say that. I’m seldom ever serious in real life. I don’t think people would ever suspect I had a darker, poetic side except for maybe that I’m into theater. I doubt you would like talking to me, anyway. I laugh really loudly and have no attention span. and. that’s about it. except that i am really glad it’s december. aren’t you?

December 5, 2005

ryn: hahah i do love you for going through all that trouble finding all those links and such. they would have been extremely useful, only my godfather stepped in and gave me his XP and photoshop cd. but i still love you! heh. ps: you were my 5000th note.

December 15, 2005

yes perchance i should make some real updates..instead of all those fake ones i do. and i bet i have changed a bit as well, i believe i started this ridiculousness at the age of fifteen or so…i’ll see if i can manage an update for you though. and about the dog…i think if you kick them in the balls they stop attacking you. congrats on the move. xx

January 9, 2006

RYN: My fanbase has been nearly cut in half recently for some reason… so I don’t think I’d be breaking nearly as many hearts as you might think. 🙂 I will be back… just not sure when. Until then I may try to post once a week. Who knows. I never stray from this place for too long. Can’t seem to do it. I hope you’re well.

January 9, 2006

(ryn)that’s true, but i spent part of my new year’s reflecting on the good and the bad of last year, so i noticed some room for improvement. but if it makes you feel better, the only goal i’ve really been sticking to is one i didn’t come up with til the 6th and i started it right then instead of waiting until next year. ha ha. ooo…and we are now confirmed facebook friends. mwah ha ha.

January 12, 2006

i like you because you get things. that’s all.

January 13, 2006

I’ve written you a new entry…give me your email and I’ll send you a picture of my vera-wang-model self… xx

January 16, 2006

RYN: Brad and I are both weird about personal space. I can always tell when he needs some time alone, and he is usually pretty good about backing off when I need him to. I’m just weirded out about KNOWING that this could very well be my last six months of being on my own. I love it so much, that it’s going to be hard to let go of. I’m sure I’ll be fine. Maybe just a bit moody at times. 😉

January 17, 2006

Not “pressure points” so much as a constant stream of what is perceived as negativity, mixed with a lack of noting and updating. You’d made it to the bottom of my Favorites by Update list, so I trimmed you off. But now you’re providing proof that you haven’t fallen off the face of the planet and gotten sucked into the sun. So you’re back on.

January 17, 2006

Additionally, I only had a trim in mind. For my hair, that is, not my favorites list. But thanks for the update. The picture gave me a laugh.

January 17, 2006

RYN: I don’t really apply an accent to a diarist – the words always seem to come out in my own voice. I can understand why some might do it, though. Irish writers, for example, can be quite heavy on the slang and it’s quite hard to read it without turning into Paddy O’Donnel.

January 17, 2006


ryn: sounds like something I might have seen on HBO’s REAL SEX show…smile. I did not see the exhibit though, sorry. The convention was off the hook though, but to tell the truth after about 3 hours I’d had enough, for sure.

January 19, 2006

yeah, it really was! ach well… cliches take less effort