For reading, mostly

Recently several realizations that I made quite some time ago are beginning to insist that I deal with them, and as a result, I have been pushed out of the cyclical lifestyle that I held for so many years. The same repeating plotline with different characters that I put my hope in (and I did, even knowing that my situations would never work) is out. I don’t really know how much part my actions played as much as my inaction. If a basketball player were spinning a ball on his finger, and then stopped spinning it, the ball would fall off. The player didn’t intentionally knock the ball off, but it ceased spinning because of his idleness. That is what has happened to my cycles.

I have been forced to admit that nothing I experience anymore brings me the inherent joy I once felt for living. It feels like I’ve seen it before, like my life is a rerun. Not because things have happened before in a similar fashion, it’s different than that… in the same way a joke isn’t as funny when you’ve heard it a lot, even though it’s still the same joke. The most it seems that I can get out of situations now is entertainment or amusement. I’m occupied, but not content.

The worst part is that there’s nothing I want that would make me satisfied. It’s a void that’s impossible to fill because nothing exists to fill it. I’m thirsty, but don’t know what water is. Also, water doesn’t exist. Also, that might have been the weakest analogy ever.

I’ve always hated people, and searched for other people who hate people, but the current cynicism with which I view my non-named surroundings is unprecedented. It’s a disconnecting sort of view which has alienated any significant contact with a new person for quite some time. I prefer to spend my obligatory interactions with society with headphones on my ears. I’d rather watch the people than have to deal with them.

I started playing cards online. It’s gone decently; I’ve made several thousand dollars. I wish it was more. Constant exposure to calculating percentages has made me fall into a mathmatical thinking pattern. I think it entirely reasonable to equate a social interaction to a hand of cards. Think of it as symbolism. I’ve folded my share of relationships, and so have you.

The way I find myself feeling has led me to what seems to be a dangerous disconcern for my later life. I don’t look forward to hating it. It’s an uncertain future. I don’t know if I’m staying in school. I don’t really want to do anything.

I wonder what will happen when I run out of entertainment.

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Wow… maybe if I started playing cards online I could pay off some debts. That would be pretty sweet. It sounds to me like you’re going through some kind of transitional period. You’re describing (very well) the way I felt RIGHT before I decided to go back to college. While that feeling is still there (kind of), at least I have something to keep me occupied. VERY occupied.

March 11, 2005

hm. i’m with you on this one. Being one who hates people myself, (or at least most of them anyway), I’ve found that I’m always at odds, so far as wanting to be isolated, and yet feeling unspeakably lonely, because there is no one in my life that i feel really understands me, even a little. Is this similiar to you, or did I read all of this wrong? Let me know.

March 30, 2005

After reading this, I think we have a lot in common!

June 6, 2005

I’ve been there. Cynicism sucks the joy out of just about everything. It’s all about perspective and what you focus on. Now it’s my turn for a potentially bad analogy. It’s sort of like one of those Magic 3-D pictures. You can look at all the squiggly bits and not see much of anything, or you can focus just right and see a schooner sailing right for you. (cont.)

June 6, 2005

In other words, you can focus on the suckiness that is often apparent in the human race. Or you can focus on the goodness and the beauty that is there to be seen. Granted, the latter takes some effort, but, like the Magic 3-D image, you can train your eye to see it pretty quickly with enough time and practice. The good ones are out there, too, but if you’re looking at a bunch of (cont.)

June 6, 2005

squiggly lines, they’re a lot harder to see.

June 6, 2005

Would you believe me if I said that I know exactly how you feel? Maybe you do, maybe you don’t. I don’t have any enlightening words for you, I’m sorry. I find myself in the same predicament as yourself. No real desire to do much of anything, except stay occupied with meaningless forms of entertainment. I’ve gotten to the point where I want to be intrigued in anything, but it just isn’t happening.

July 23, 2005

umm, should i know you?