Find me

As a warning, this is slightly heavy text, and I don’t bother with many of the usual layman explanations.


Not returning to school was not something that needed time to take effect on me or time for me to adjust to. It didn’t have a delayed hit. I knew three months ago that the summer would end about this time, and that the remaining leftover aquaintances (“remaining leftover” is not redundant here, if anything, not redundant enough for the amount of cuts my high-school day friends have undergone) I have in this town would move on back to where they’ve been for the past 3 or more or less years.

I couldn’t care less. I’ve even taken a sort of solace in the permanence of excommunication my move to Vegas will afford me. It’s not that I’m tired of them, or dislike them. It’s difficult to put into words.

Not only have I transitioned to an antisocial state of mind (which doesn’t involve much actually being antisocial, just… a way of thinking), but I hate feeling obligated. I hate people caring about me and then expecting their own form of care in return. Though I’ve been through blind emotional loyalty that I disagreed with in retrospect, I grew out of it, and moved on. Years ago.

Unfortuantely some of my friendships were formed before that time, and some still expect an effort towards endearing bullshit that I don’t produce anymore. Charm was always a choice and a skill, not a trait. I feel I’m more real than that now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not so cold that I don’t care about them, I’m just not willing to give them the same satisfaction of feeling so special, and frustrated with the fact that they haven’t realized they’d been partially had. Also not on my list of things to do is tell them without them asking. But if they ask, it’s their own fault. I chalk it up to being a kid, and move on, but I doubt others would treat it so dismissively.

Perhaps the root of one major change is the larger perspective I have gained. While I don’t actually think it’s gotten any larger, the importance of everything that used to be important has decreased. But not because I’ve found anything more important, though. I’m not going to give you an analogy, so be smart enough to understand what that means. Or ask.


I’ve been saying for a long time that I don’t know what I want. I think I’ve found a more accurate way to describe that. Some of what I want are concepts (3 in count) that can’t be effectively manifested in my existence.

Concept one is adventure. This goes beyond just being bored with everything, and is possibly the most difficult concept to explain. I don’t think I’m alone in this field, and I don’t think anyone else has found a solution either. It’s more than entertainment and it’s more than something new. It’s also not a feeling. If you think feelings are what I need, you insult me.

Concept two is companionship. Less complicated to explain, and likely more widespread than concept one. This is more than loneliness and more than instinct. A like-minded individual to share my plight certainly wouldn’t solve problems, but she certainly would provide interest, and fulfill my human nature. My situation concerning dating is way too complicated for this entry, it’ll need one of its own. But I would like to say, as an aside, that me not being the least bit gay and everyone else not being gay limits the hell out of options. 50% is a lot.

Concept three is satisfaction. Simple enough, but impossible to achieve. I think I will be satisfied when I’m conscious of no longer existing. This is frustrating. A desire to have desires filled brings out infinite sorts of infinite loops. Try counting if you don’t believe me.

I think my progress in putting language terms to abstract ideas of what I want is slight progress towards making a career decision, but it all seems so big-picture, it’s tough to find any application.


Maybe it’s obvious from the context of this entry, but I’ve been doing a lot more thinking. I don’t know if I told you or not that for the past several months I’ve been focusing on not thinking, mostly because I hated it. As I’ve taught myself to shift towards an acceptant stage of my defeat in my desire for something other than existence, I let the hate become more of a thing to observe than a thing to resist. Pleasant and unpleasant are only perceptions, and while I’ve known this for some time, my efforts to remain somewhat “human” (no better word) have led me to not tamper too much with things that could easily lead to a deadly crash.

As I sporatically began to think again, the change previously mentioned that so effectively dealt with my problems seemed to be on or near the top of the list of issues to be addressed. My inital plan was a lightswitch approach, a hope to turn off my mental state and instantly return to my previous, more logical, more desirable way of thinking. I discovered a simpler solution was possible, and it mostly took care of itself. I previously thought the coexistence of the two was inherently impossible, that there was not enough room in the town for the both of them. It turns out there’s a great deal of vacancy to go around, and the mutual efforts of both have upped productivity and reduced misery.

My constant hate is still present, but as I said, manageable from an observatory perspective.

I’m quite satisfied with my progess, I don’t think it could’ve gone much better.


Not to sound condescending, but listening to people talk about their troubled pasts and how mentally/emotionally messed up it has left them makes me wonder if maybe my past had been slightly more troubled, my focus would be on more mundane issues. I’m no expert on what it’s like to be someone else, but their problems seem to be so much easier to grasp.

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August 14, 2005

You always sound condescending. It’s one of the reasons I both like and dislike you. This refers to the first and the last of what you said here. Why would it be insulting for me to suggest that what you need is a feeling?

August 14, 2005

Their problems are easier to label, is all. Or at least the core ones are. And most people prefer to focus on the mundane, regardless of their past. Also, while I find you condescending quite often, it seems to be more from a sense of seeking solitariness (a word?) combined with daring people to meet and match you and, in a sense, hoping someone will. That’s my take, anyway. I could be far off.

wow! that was actually a very powerful and intimidating entry! And as to your note no i am really not “creeped out” in the slightest. You can read my diary whenever you want, not that you need my permission or anything. So anyway, see ya. or possibly, read ya? i cant remember

Someone else’s troubles always seem much easier to grasp and handle when they aren’t your own. I’ve learned this as I’ve grown older. And as far as your feelings towards the people you have known for a long time… I’ve gone through that. Absolutely. While I care for those people and hope the best for them… I’m at the point where I’m beyond them. It’s hard to put into words.

RYN: I should just get rid of the cable, I realize that. I very much enjoy watching the food network, and some programs on the Discovery channel. While 99% of the time, there isn’t a damn thing to watch… occasionally I find something “good” that makes me want to keep the cable. It’s lame, I know. I should delve into books or my studies… but the tv is always there, just in case.

I feel like that first part of the entry was speaking to me. (though I doubt it was written for me) I do understand what you mean. I don’t understand why. But I accept it. I found peace with your “I care, but don’t care” mindset a long time ago. You changed how I am wired, and that will never be forgotten. So if and when you feel the desire- find me. ~Y.Z.

August 15, 2005

i think we all want something more exciting in life. and your view on antisocialness. its not anti-social at all. its being free. there’s a book on that, how to be free in an unfree world. but for me, its content-ness. i am trying to be more content. trying to be content with life. simpler written than done.

August 15, 2005

Re: That is true, I think, to an extent. I think that take on it is a little narrow-minded, though. Don’t you? After all, maybe the things you need are, in fact, things, but you need them because of how they’ll make you feel. Otherwise, they’d be listed at the bottom of that pyramid of needs. I mean, if you rate that at all.

August 15, 2005

as far as the whole high school friends thing goes, i think i can relate, at least on a certain extent. i think i’ve always had a tendency to view people as disposable, for lack of a better word. basically, i enjoy their company while i have it, but when i don’t it doesn’t seem like i’m missing out on much. this has led to some awkwardness similiar to what you are describing (i think) in that..

August 15, 2005

..i am expected to make special return trips to see people and phone calls and whatnot, none of which interests me. i figure if they want to see me, they can come here. selfish maybe, but that never bothered me too much. am i totally off on this subject? as far as your notage, i’ll try to explain what i can. my mind changes or mood swings or what have you aren’t necessarily conscious…

…but it’s that i’m not always aware of them. i’m kind of anticommitment in general, and superficial reasons to stay (finances, loyalty, etc) never really quite seemed enough. i suppose the change of heart is always gradual, usually permanent, and so must be dealt with. I’m not saying that i would totally up and leave on the spur of the moment (I try to be more longsighted than that)..

August 15, 2005

..but I can usually tell what is a “mood swing” and what is more substantial. I guess what I’m waiting for is this constant feeling of restlessness to subside. Did that clarify things a bit? Let me know your thoughts on all of this, they are generally more worthwhile than the other stuff left on my entries.

August 15, 2005

Re: I think you’re right. About my dream being badass. It was frightening, naturally, but I think I would be a heartless robot if I didn’t find a shoot out to be at least a little scary. As for the dream meaning anything, I think you may be referring to a note from my favorite, reading, “What do you think it means?” To which I responded: I think it means … That I am one twisted little (c)

August 15, 2005

… girl. And that I watched too many action films during my most impressionable years. And probably still do. (End quote here.)

August 15, 2005

I was going to say more but forgot.

August 21, 2005

you sound like… (me). thank you for the notes, no im not gone again…but i am certianly not all here… xx

August 22, 2005

locura translates to madness…not logic. xx

August 22, 2005

okee dokee. i reread your note so never mind my last correction as its not really applicable. im not saying that love can’t be rational or sane. its just a beautifully translated line…its a bit of an exaggeration i know but sometimes it takes a heavier punch if you want anyone to feel anything… xx

RYN: Haha… maybe you’re right. However, I don’t think it’s that simple,I’m pretty sure he has called twice. The first time I didn’t pick up (on my way to class), the second I was at dinner. So… we’ll see.

September 1, 2005

ryn: I didn’t feel I owed an update. I was in the mood to write it, so I did. In the midst of that, I realized that the things that prompted my “hiatus” were either no longer in the works or substantially postponed. While I could’ve been far more formal about calling it off, I chose to respond to the “kitten” note. I felt it was in as lighthearted a manner as the note was intended. It suited me.

September 1, 2005

sounding condescending is a good thing. i greatly enjoyed this entry. so nice to find one that wasn’t dumbed down, if you will. ps: i hope you don’t mind, i gave your diary name to someone looking to read diaries of substance.

September 2, 2005

ryn: i don’t understand