Easy does it

I wouldn’t really say I’m “settling in” to Vegas anymore, I’ve been here almost three months now. I saved so much money before I came, it’s given me little motivation to get a job. I still have a lot of time before I’ll need one to pay bills. I have done a moderate amount of looking though. I auditioned at one casino, they told me to come back when I have experience. I’ve been unbelievably lazy. And sober. I’ve had a flat tire going on 5 days now. It’s 10:45 a.m. and I’m about to go to bed. I’m not that tired, I woke up at 8:30 p.m. yesterday. This is what I’ve been doing. Lazing.

I play a lot of video games, watch a lot of movies and TV series. I go out to casinos. There’s plenty to do. I’m not bored at all.


Last night (by that I mean the 17th) I went to the MGM Grand to play cards with Andy. After we finished, we were heading back to his car, which involved a decent walk through the casino and its massive lobby. Right after we left the poker room, we passed by a girl who appeared to be loitering about who I would best sum up as “very punk.” I think I made eye contact with her for maybe half a second but nothing significant. For the record, I take note of things fast, and have a pretty good memory. She had a pretty cute face, and a pretty good body, but all that was overshadowed by her nose ring (distracting to the point of butchering her look) and her hairstyle (one half not-even-shoulder length, mostly jet black but tips and strands of green and pink, the other half pretty close to buzzed). Her clothes were typical of the style she followed involving completely mismatched tanktop (black with pink outline) and skin-tight single-sleeved under shirt (horizontal black and white striped), ass-tight pants that bagged low and cut off 3 inches above the ankles (dark blue) and Chucks on her feet.

As we passed, she started walking along side me (on my right, Andy was to my left) uncharacteristically close, to the point where I was nearly running into Andy to keep from running into this girl. All the time, Andy and I are in the middle of a conversation (likely about hands we’d played) and this girl hasn’t said a damn word. Pretty quickly into this, I slow down to let her pass and she slows down with me, which does throw me off just a bit, but I continue with what I’m saying. We had cigs out as we started passing her and at this point, I’ve gotten out my lighter, and, having trouble starting the flame, stop walking for a sec to cover and light. She stops too. Maybe 15-20 seconds have passed since she first started walking next to me. At this point I realize that this can’t be a mistake and her actions have to be completely intentional. I take my first puff and turn my head to look at her and say,

“Can I help you?”

Virtually unphased, she cheerfully says “No.”

I start back walking and pass Andy my lighter, not talking for 8-10 seconds more because I’m too busy making sense of what is going on. In my head, I eliminate the possiblity that she’s a hooker, which was what I considered before I said anything. I think that maybe she’s a smoker and is just trying to cute her way into a cigarette instead of asking. So I offer.

“Would you like a cigarette?”

She says nothing, but nods her head rapidly and vehemently, like she’s excited. Really excited.

“Need a light?” I say, offering mine to her. She takes it and lights up; I take it back and start back walking, thinking I’ve deciphered the situation to its extent and the issue is resolved. She continues walking with us.

“So what are you guys doing?” she asks.

“We just finished playing cards.” I say, sounding completely unawkward despite what has just gone on for the last half minute.

“What kind?”

A terrible question. I know already that she isn’t going to know a damn thing about what I say, but I answer anyway.

“Just low-limit hold ’em.”

“Did you win?”

I did, but…” I turn to Andy, “I don’t think you came out on top, did you?”

“No, I was down a bit.” This is the first thing Andy has said.

“So where are you guys staying?” she asks.

“Oh, we live here.”

“Oh, how long?”

“Coming up on three months now. How about you, where are you staying?”

“Oh, we’re in a Best Western on the North side, we were in North Las Vegas on tour.” Interesting that this is all she says, I take it to mean she’s in a band.

So I ask, “What’s the name of your band?”

“Girls with Guns.” Andy, at this point could no longer contain himself and nearly rolls laughing. I have to say, it was pretty funny that girl would be telling us that was her band name. It was the kind of thing that’s funny because it makes so much sense. I show a little reserve and am not laughing nearly as hard.

Andy manages to squeeze out a “That’s awesome.”

“So where are you from?” I ask.

“San Francisco.”

“Are you playing again?” This was another fish. Though it was pretty apparent at this point she was hitting on me, I thought maybe I could be wrong and she was just plugging her show.

“No, this is our last night here, we’re heading home tomorrow.” I can’t really get across how suspiciously that line was delivered. If I had to call it something, I would call it a signal.

The conversation pauses for a second. I ask her name and start to extend my hand.

“Nash.” she says. I hear Andy choke back a laugh and see him turn his head, so I step to block her view, say, “Nick,” smile, and shake her hand.

“I’m Andy.” says Andy, obviously recovered.

The conversation pauses a second more.

“So where are you guys headed?” she asks.

I hesitate, not sure where this is going. I look to my left to see how Andy wants to play it. Andy meets my gaze for a sec and looks away without saying anything, and I realize it’s on me. I’m almost certainly not interested in anything she has to offer, and am not going to invite her anywhere.

I turn back and say, “Home, I guess.”

Here I fully expect her to make an offer, with a “Well the band and I are going to do X, and/or would you like to go do X with us?” sortof deal, but she doesn’t really respond.

She walks for a second more with us and says, “Well I guess this is where we part ways!” and smiles bigger than she’s been smilling the whole time.

“OK, nice meeting you.” I say, and she walks back in the direction that we came from.

Andy and I don’t say anything for a second, and he breaks the silence with a “What the fuck was that?”

“I don’t know,” I say, “I’ve never seen such a passive-aggressive attempt.”

“Has she tried that before? What result was she hoping for? I guess that would’ve worked on some guys, I mean she was pretty good looking, except…”

“I know, I know, yeah, yeah.” It’s nice that Andy and I have such similar taste in girls’ appearance. “It made me sad.”

He laughs.

“It did!” I say. “That girl was destroying her potential with what she was doing to herself.”

“What, you didn’t like her hair?” he says with a smirk.

I laugh.

We’re still confused about exactly what she wanted to accomplish. We told the story to another friend that lives here. As soon as I got to the point about her only being there for a night, he interrupted with, “Dude, you could’ve gotten laid.” I responded with a dismissing wave of my hand. Aside from that, he had no further insight.

I am baffled by her strange tactics, and wished I could’ve given her a

more positive result, since I have a decent amount of respect for girls who show aggression. But, eh, whatever.


I think that I might be some sort of escapist. I seem to recall always seeking/needing relief from my life, my situations, whatever… not really because they were too much for me to handle, but really because I’m bored. I was the kind of kid who multitasked by constantly daydreaming and still getting things done. What’s really brought this to mind is how much I enjoy listening to soundtracks of videogames I played and enjoyed. Mainly adventure games. It’s slightly disturbing that I enjoyed a period of time so much simply because I was engrossed in not being myself. It’s separate and different from nostalgia, but I suppose it’s similar. I would do it with books I read, but they don’t have downloadable soundtracks. I have plenty of appreciation and enjoyment for my real life experiences, but is it that dissatifaction that draws me to get away? Or is it the feelings I’ve had while suspended in disbelief, wrapped up in another world that are the source of my incompletion in day-to-day life? I’m not sure.

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January 19, 2006

that’s a f*cked up way to hit on someone. (ryn) my sister left. yesterday. that’s that i guess. i’m trying not to think about it, because i get really really pissed, so when i’ve cooled off a bit i’ll answer the rest of your question. take care.

January 20, 2006

Hey, I saw a note you left elsewhere and I noticed you live in Vegas. I’m going there in a few weeks with my cheer team and I was wondering if you had any pointers on fun stuff to do there. Not the tourist crap, but actual fun stuff. (Too bad you’re not a girl or I’d ask where the best shopping is!) Oh, and I’m not 21, so I know that’s going to put a damper on things.

January 20, 2006

You have mail in your email inbox that you don’t use. And also, at least the girl was friendly, if not entirely ridiculous. Aaand…well I was trying to come up with some profound tidbit that would make your reading this note worthwhile. I think it is probably a bad sign that I can’t think of anything. I’ll write you a new entry soon. xx

Thank you for your note, YOUR my first, well, not if you count the guy who thinks he knows all(whatever). I look forward to reading, I find you interesting…..OH to be young again…. thanks

January 23, 2006

PS: Glad to see you are updating.

January 23, 2006

Roller derby is the bomb, and I don’t get paid for it. I don’t even care that I don’t get paid for it. http://www.txrd.com will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about it.

January 23, 2006

I am so sorry. School started up again and between work and school, I have absolutely no time. As of now, I got out of school at 3, got home in just enough time to throw a load of laundry in, do about 5 math problems, and in about 10 minutes, I have to get ready for work. Guess what? Tomorrow I get to do it all over again. Sad, huh? I plan on writing soon. I’ve had a lot of thinking time lately.

January 23, 2006

Sounds like you’ve been having a rather interesting time in Vegas. That’s good. I need something interesting to happen. Maybe shake things up a bit. This same old routine is really starting to get to me. But, I have a painting class, so even though I haven’t been writing, I have been able to paint my emotions. Not the same outcome, but still rather relaxing. Hope to hear back from you soon.

RYN: I agree, and to be honest, I have alot of “issues” right now…lol thanks for coming back

RYN: well, FOR the first time in my life I am becoming more secure with myself. Changing my thinking on things, and life, and trying hard to lighten up some. YAY!!! Stephen Harper is CONSERVATIVE(AS am I), our new Prime Minister…yippee to change!

aaahh…nope…but I don’t talk politic’s, usually. My words are…..This country needed a change and maybe this party will do it. THe old government got caught taking the “tax payers” of tis countrys money, and a court actions proved it. I am not saying Harper will do better, but a change might be good. PLEASE NO politic’s for me….LOL How’s the weather?

RYN: OH go ahead laugh it up…..I got soemthing you don’t…….ANOTHER snowstorm…HA HA!!!! ME=does not do politics=happy me

question for you….HOW the heck do you get that little picture by your name there<<<<<<<left side, top…..I can NOT figure it out…hmmmmmm

ryn: well, I did that…lol…will play more, must be doing something simple wrong…lol(only me) UGH!

ryn: OH GOSH!!!! it will take me awhile to figure that out, I am very computer stupid, just glad it turns on somedays…lol Will try later, NO idea why I am awake this early me

UGH! Was trying to say THANKS< but the page went spastik, gezzzz me again

You’ve been answered!

January 25, 2006

I know you were just teasing me. But I seriously have been planning on writing. I just need the time. Well, my paintings are far from masterpieces. They’re mostly unfinished, seeing as the course is only three months long, but I really think I’m getting better. I just can’t wait til I’m allowed to paint whatever I want, instead of what my instructor tells me I have to paint, like vegetables.

January 25, 2006

But yeah, I’ll definately show you them. I just need to take a few pictures of them. It’s funny, I am such a messy painter. When I’m done, I have it ALL over me, while everyone else are clean as a whistle. But, my instructor loves it, she says I “get into the paint”. Hah. So yeah, when I update my writing, I’ll let you know. But let me tell you, it will be different than the other entries 😛

RYN: Heh, you made me laugh a little with that last one. It was not my birthday, actually. My birthday is in July. For some reason, Opendiary has always had me as an elderly lady. In reality, I am a mere 20. As for if I’m hot, that’s sort of awkward to answer about yourself. I have tons of pictures, mostly hideous ones of my friends and I being idiots. If I were more computer smart . . .

ryn: THANKS…will try this later, just got home. Been doing tests on my heart most of the day, guess this is what happens, when you almost die, eh!! WILL let ya know if it works…. THANKS your a sweetie…. me

Oh ya really need to update, SO I don’t have to scroll so damn far…LOL (kidding) me again

January 26, 2006

perhaps what you witnessed is some LV style flirting. it’s nothing i’ve ever done before, that’s for sure. heh. ryn: HA. loved your notes. i know, i know. if only i could have gotten that one extra person, i could have saved the world!! so close, so close.

January 26, 2006

oh and ryn from about 10 weeks ago: no. they are not my legs. or my feet. i own the products they are showcasing, but that’s not me. heh.

(!@#$%^ cuss words HERE &^%$#) OK, done now, thanks

January 27, 2006

People in America flirt like that without alcohol? That’s fucked up.

January 27, 2006

Im sorry but i couldnt help but notice the note u had left in mommy2chubbycheeks’ diary..Being pregnant is not miserable it is one of the greatest experiences in any womans life…But i see as u being a male will never have the chance to experience that. and IM sorry. I just had to note u and let u know that its not horrible at all.

Hope all is well…..(((hugs))) me

January 28, 2006


January 31, 2006

so how are you? i havent been on in a very very long time i dont think im gonna write anymore but i mite, i dont know- probly ina different one- ill give u the name of it tho..anyway hope your loving vegas!

February 2, 2006

hm. well i note you because i find you interesting, not because you note me, if that matters. i would probably be ok if you updated more. ha. also, i just noticed your calvin and hobbes pic. i must say that calvin and hobbes is one of the greatest achievements of human history. take care,

February 4, 2006

i am certain that i am some kind of escapist. thanks for the notes. and congrats on being in vegas. it’s been a wihle. kudos for not taking advantage of the situation, i find meaningless sex disheartening

February 4, 2006

You’re the first entry I stumbled upon tonight after returning from staying the past 3 nights at MGM Grand. You probably get that a lot, people thinking it’s such a coincidence… but 🙂 fascinating none the less. Seems to me that that girl belongs back in SF though… 🙂

woo GOOD to see YOU again….what you been up too??? Have missed ya! me

February 6, 2006

RYN: Let me depress you even more… I’m actually feeling much better than I have in the last few weeks. I didn’t realize how bad that entry sounded until I reread it. Honestly, I feel “all right”. Not great, but things could be much worse. I hope that I didn’t really bring you down. My readers are fading out… and that must be why. ::Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhh::

February 6, 2006

And by the way… if I weren’t a more open minded person, I would have considered your note a bit offensive. I don’t have a problem with it, but some of my readers are a bit “protective” shall we say. I’ll be surprised if someone doesn’t reference how “brutal” your note sounds. Eh. Whatever. I hope you’re well.

February 7, 2006

I prefer for you to be straightforward and honest… most of my readers are, but I guess that you have more of a “no holds barred” approach. Which is fine! And you’re right, you do tend to point out things in my entries that others either don’t notice, or won’t comment on. Have at it with your notes… I was just pointing out that you may receive some feedback from one of my readers that you…

February 7, 2006

may or may not be expecting. I’ve seen it happen before (not with you but others), and the only thing that sucks is being caught in the middle. I like you, and would prefer that you not change. If you really bother me, I will let you know. I swear. 🙂

February 7, 2006

i emailed you. i’m nervous it didn’t work, though. you should write more often.