Downhill battle

I feel slightly less like a joke now.

I got hired to deal poker at Caesar’s Palace, a top tier casino here. This is roughly ten times the break I’ve been looking for, if I deal here for 6 months I could deal anywhere, but honestly I find it doubtful that I even would want to leave. It’s only going to be part time, but even working only two days a week I’ll probably make more than I did at my last job. This has put me in a great mood, and it seems like nothing can break it. But honestly, nothing has even made an attempt.


I called Kelly, the girl that I quit calling back, and apologized for how I let it go. I’d actually like to go into a little more depth than I did before, because it’s not quite as bad as I hastily made it out to be. I had slacked off in hanging out with her (I probably halved the frequency) but I had guessed that was ok, especially considering the circumstances prior. I really was great to her while we dated, maybe because of how I never could get out of my head the things my last girlfriend had told me after she decided to sleep with my best friend. Kelly had put me into some pretty rotten spots prior to christmas, the highlight of those being a situation where she snuck some extra drinks one night when hanging out with our crew, despite the fact that we told her she’d had more than plenty, and ended up beligerent, literally begging me to fuck her (her words, not mine), which of course I had no desire to do to a girl that couldn’t stand. I finally thought I’d gotten her to sleep but she decided to wake up and proceed to put me in a spot where I ended up doing a lot of things for her that I was nowhere near close enough to her to do. I’ll spare you the gross details. I couldn’t just leave her to herself though, and I took good care of her. She of course woke up the next morning and remembered nothing, asking where her clothes were and why her hair was damp. I told her the story of what happened and that her clothes were in the dryer and her hair was wet because I’d showered her, and that I was short a rug. She didn’t really know how to handle it, and I was pretty quiet as I drove her home. Despite all this, I decided to let it slide and see how things went after that.

So yeah, I had not been seeing her as much anyway, and one night she decided to give me a call and ask me if I still “liked” her. She was drunk and hanging out alone with one of her male friends, which I swear didn’t bother me, but I’d struggled with a difference maturity often before and this just really summed it all up. I told her to think about why she shouldn’t be asking me that under the circumstances and told her to try calling me again when she was sober. I’d think something like that would be obvious. It’s an annoying thing to be asked if there’s no issue, and if there IS an issue, it’s certainly not a conversation to have over the phone, ESPECIALLY not in front of one of your friends, on their time. She called me the following day, sober, and asked me the same question. I was seriously in disbelief, and thought then was as good of a point as any to take a break. I told her that I probably still did like her before she asked me that twice, but that now I really didn’t know. I told her, “I’m going through some shit right now, give me a chance to get that sorted out. I’ll give you a call when I do.” Which is what I’ve done. She didn’t really stick to the deal of being patient; once I got out of a movie to find I had 12 missed calls from her, not because she had an emergency or anything, but because she wanted me to come to her fondue party. I don’t know how much I’ll be hanging out with her, though I think she’d make an ok friend (I highlighted the worst times, there were fun ones). I certainly won’t be dating her again though.


Tim has moved back in for the time being. It started as him just asking a favor to crash for a few days. His roommate that he had left us for (which Andy and I had both thought a douche) proved himself true and scammed Tim for around 200 dollars (and a few nights ago tried to tell him he owed him 400 more). The guy’s a piece of shit who can’t play cards (Tim says he thinks he lost around 80 grand last year in poker). Anyway, Tim was busted after he loaned this semi-crazy Hooters dealer about 12 grand. (Let me get off track here for a second. When you constantly play cards, money means a lot less to you, it just loses its value. I had trouble with this for a bit when I was doing really well, Andy had big issues with it, and Tim is a bit weaker than us, so he’s got it bad.) Anyway, Tim was busted and put off of cards for a little while and was going to go home and recoup with his dad in Michigan. The day before he was supposed to leave he got a call from his dad (this conversation took place in front of me, it was painful to listen to) where basically his dad told him, no, fuck you, you’re on your own. This is pretty much bullshit, because a lot of Tim’s profits had been going to his mom’s hospital bills, and his dad hadn’t done much of anything for him financially.

So we pretty much talked Tim out of offing himself, and he regrouped and ended up getting backed in a game or two and had turned a few hundred into about 5 grand in a week. Recently he had decided (very stupidly) to put his entire bankroll on a 5/10 table and lost it all to some running draw and was busted again. Andy was fucking pissed at him, because he knew we were tight on money and we were relying on him to chip in for living on our couch. It made me feel shitty too, because I put Andy in just as much of a tight spot with losing my job, and the countless apologies won’t make me feel better about it. He’s doing really well at his job now, and he barely has money ever because he’s been covering our asses for the last month. This should all turn around today or tomorrow, because I’ll be paying Andy back more money than I owe him (seriously I feel bad), and we’ll be back to doing ok. It’s been tough living with Tim again though, he’s a great friend but not the best of roommates. He and Andy’s girlfriend Deja haven’t gotten along, and I’ve done a great job being a peacemaker there, but I don’t know if it’ll last forever. We don’t want to kick him out, but we are slowly trying to figure out how to encourage him along the right path. It’s a very difficult thing to do to a friend.


I met someone from OD, which, I’m sad to say, is not a first for me. Her name is Tina and she’s cool as hell. Granted, I’m always hoping in the back of my mind that I’ll meet an amazing girl I can date but I wouldn’t say that it was what I was expecting or looking for when I agreed to meet her.

I was worried at first, to be honest. I’ve had a lot of really good female friends over the years but save for my absolute best one, it’s always followed a similar pattern. I usually decide that I would enjoy their company and think they’d be cool to hang around, but after spending some time with them, despite my best efforts to be as uncharming as possible, they end up with feelings for me. Sooner or later they get mad at me for not reciprocating (for some I would just straight up tell them to stop liking me) and stop talking to me. I then wait anywhere from a month to a year for that to wear

off, and then they come back, over their feelings and disillusioned, and we’ll be great friends. I still have many of them, and they remain some of my closest friends to this day. I tend to also be physically close to them (they lay on me while we watch movies, etc) but only after the point where they can joke about how they used to feel. I still worry every now and then that’d I’m encouraging dead feelings back to life, but I’ve never had an issue with it, I assume because our friendships had reached the point that we were far closer than a silly crush could ever put you.

Anyway, I knew from the first few seconds that I wasn’t going to have a romantic interest in Tina, which is not to say that she doesn’t meet my requirements, both physically and intellectually, but I lacked any sort of spark or interest like that (I can never say why for those things, it’s just some people never strike me that way). I sweated for a minute or two that things would go poorly and I’d end up in the same spot I always was, but it wasn’t long before I realized I wouldn’t have to deal with it at all. This was a huge break and it overjoyed me more and more the longer we talked. For once I felt somewhat understood, despite some pretty vast differences, and I didn’t get the impression that I would ever shock her by doing the next logical thing. As simple as this sounds, I’ve struggled my whole life with being called mysterious and unpredictable, and I’m tired of it. I know I may be “tough to read” or whatever, but it doesn’t make me incomprehensible. It’s been a long long time since I’ve thought a person had such great potential, and I couldn’t believe that I was going to get to enjoy it without going through all the bullshit I so often have to. I have no good female friends in Vegas, and I sure as hell need one. We ended up relaxing in a hookah bar and talking for almost three and a half hours straight. Unfortunately it turned out to be bad poetry night there, and there’s little I can stand less than awful poetry. I managed to mostly ignore it but I spent time here and there mocking it which I’m sure made me look like more of an asshole than she already thought I was (I know the impression I give off when I’m writing here, but I’m really a relaxed, courteous guy). I had a great night and didn’t feel at all sleepy despite being up for around 40 hours at that point. I’m very happy that if things work out correctly, I can finally have someone around to discuss the things that I never talk to anyone about.

I still haven’t decided exactly how I’m going to ever say that I know her, considering no one I know has an idea that I do anything here. I did tell Andy and Tim I was going to hang out with some girl, but I just left out the part about how I knew her from the internet. I don’t want to lie to my friends, but I don’t want anyone knowing about my OD either. I knew someone had still been reading this right up until I changed my name and went favorites only for some months. It’s nice to feel hidden again, and I don’t want to change that.


I feel overwhelmingly relieved that I won’t have to worry about money once things get in swing at Caesar’s, but that doesn’t change the lingering feeling of uncertainty I have about my future and my happiness. Despite my fresh breath of optimism, I still feel jaded about living and about ever feeling satisfied, and I think if you look closely enough it shows. Every now and then I’ll look off into nothing for just half a second, because I can’t stop myself from thinking about things. As stupid as it sounds, in those moments, all I really want is a nod of understanding (not even empathy), or hell, just a hug. I need comfort too.

But there’s nowhere to find it here.

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March 21, 2007

Haha…lets just say we met at the Borders by UNLV. Thats what I intend to tell my parents.

March 21, 2007

well, you could always just say you met on the internet and leave it at that. i actually met my best guy friend on the internet (but not od) and i just was always kinda vague about how we met…you know at a party or some shit. it’s probably different as a guy though, you don’t have to worry about getting molested by some creep…

March 21, 2007

i’ve enjoyed our talks too, as random as they are. hope to catch you soon. take care.

March 23, 2007

Congratulations on the job. RYN: If you feel simply fantastic all the time there’s no need for aspirations. No need to start playing in the first place.

March 23, 2007

I’m glad the money situation has improved. If I come to Vegas again, I will definitely stop at Caesar’s. And I would certainly give you a hug. Way cool of you to call that girl back and apologize. There are very few out there who would do that.

March 23, 2007

fairly content nick is a rare yet welcome thing to read. congrats on the job. i cringed through the entire section about kelly. had i been in kelly’s shoes after being informed of my behaviour the night before i would have apologised profusely, left as soon as possible, and then never called you again out of extreme embarassment. i can’t handle undignified behaviour when it comes to myself. case in point, once during a hot tub party i practically drank my weight in vodka and then attended a very sick friend only to sympathy vomit in front of another friend’s brother, the host. the next morning when i realised he’d seen me be sick i couldn’t look him in the eye for the next three weeks. also. 12 calls? that would annoy me enough to forget her forver. congratulations on being more tolerant than i am.

March 24, 2007

ryn: come on, you can’t leave me a cryptic note like that. what’s the story! let me guess, she’s crazy and stole your underwear. heh one of these days, assuming i ever see you on aim again, i’m going to jot down your number and call you out of the blue as a surprise. (also assuming your phone isn’t speakerphone only still because i detest speakerphone). i promise i’ll only call 11 timesthough. ….*grin*

March 26, 2007

RYN: No, it is not how I prefer it. But like most things we do not usually get or have, I try to convince myself that it is something I am indifferent too. Like trying not to expect flowers on a first date. If we don’t expect it, we’re not so easily disappointed and far more easily surprised. It’s less dreary to live such a life.

April 4, 2007

Oooh. Tina is cool AND can whip out a groovy cover story to boot. I’m digging the upswing, mister. And I’m glad you wrote. Even if I took an obscenely long time to note your entry.

April 10, 2007

ryn: you were at Pure on Friday night? funny. what time were you there? we arrive probably 11.30 or 12 and left around three. since you live in LV i’m surprised you went. according to my stepsister who used to live there, nobody who lives in LV actually goes to the “hot” nightspots in the hotels, except for special occasions. we did Pure Friday night and Tao on Saturday. i’m actually pretty adverse to “clubbing” nowadays. i much more prefer “lounges” or restaurants with bars. but it’s hard to find the latter in Vegas. and since we were with a huge group of friends, the clubs were fun to hang out in. if it was just me and a girlfriend, i would have had the worst time. i was actually pretty surprised that celebs have parties there (those place and others, like Jet) in Vegas. because it seemed to me that while the clubs were cool, we have plenty of the same here in LA where they live and most of the pple in Pure and Tao were obviously visiting. but thanks to ‘connections’ we were able to forgo the line and cover at both places. fun for a night, or a weekend, but not my cup of tea anymore. nothing wrong with them, i just like more intimate spaces.

April 10, 2007

further to my note above, i forgot to mention that my stepsister told me that celebs get paid to have their parties there, which makes complete sense and i’m surprised i didn’t think of that. i said to her “why the hell does Paris and so and so and so and so go to Vegas to party in a nightclub with a bunch of tourists when they could easily have a party here in LA with barely any touristsand more choices” but learning they get paid to do it? totally understand. if i was a celeb i probably would too. though you couldn’t pay me money to ever be a celeb. and also, i never would be – never want to be.

April 10, 2007

ryn: ah. i see. i noticed that outside Pure they have barely clad go-go dancers that look like pussycat dolls gyrating over the blackjack tables. i don’t know why but i found that so tacky and out of place.

April 29, 2007

are you okay?

February 26, 2009