
I may be wrong, but if everything I’ve heard about Covid is that it’s a natural thing that got out of hand. It used to be this was called an act of God. Yes, the same God that you can say is behind beautiful sunsets and fields of breath taking flowers. The same God behind horrible tornadoes and terrible hurricanes. It’s not something that Republicans or Democrats did or Liberals or Conservatives did.

Who did we blame for polio? Spanish flu? The plague?

I’m not down playing the horrific effects of covid, but I am sick of all the blaming.  How could have Trump stop it or China or Governors or anyone? Can we stop a tornado or an earthquake?

Acts of God happen. Believe or don’t.  Acts of nature if you’re an atheist,  whatever. Our world, this Earth is still full of mystery and no amount of “victim blaming” or screaming  or even protesting will make sense of it. If I have to, as so many people say, put my faith in God, then this to is God’s will.

Faith in God states,  according to the Bible, is there is no stopping a flood that will wipe out humanity unless he/she directly tells you to build an ark. This virus has not spared a race, sex, or creed. What it has done, at least to my opinion, is shown the pure selfishness of people. Now, before I get a bunch of pissed off nurses, mailmen, and delivery drivers, I am not talking about you who chose your professions. I’m talking to the people who horded more than they will use toilet paper, meat, rice, yada yada. I’m talking about the people who think this is because of a man or woman in charge or a government that is made up off all us stupid humans.

People want the right to say they are a unicorn, not a man or a woman, but those same (people?) blame Trump or Obama or Bush or Clinton on acts of God (Nature).

I am in no way saying not to take precautions, but to do so with the knowledge that fate is fate. You can’t live in a bubble thinking there’s no sharp edges in the world. A pebble won’t hurt you, but a pebble dropped from the top of a skyscraper will kill you and to live a life full of worry is in my opinion is no life.

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May 12, 2020

I do wish people were kinder to each other, that’s for sure.  We need to protect each other’s mental and spiritual health as much as each other’s physical health in all of this, that’s for sure.  Take care.

May 12, 2020

No one is blaming Trump for the virus. What they are criticizing is that he didn’t take the warnings seriously, that he was slow to react, that he lies about statistics and lies about testing being available to everyone, and, generally, downplays this deadly virus.

A pebble dropping from a skyscraper won’t kill you. It’s a myth…just like all gods….

May 12, 2020

I hate to burst your bubble but things like hurricanes and flood and other disasters happen because of science and can always be explained.  And yes I do think this virus could have been stopped in China had trump not dismantled the doctors that were trained to stop the Ebola from Africa.  Had those doctors been re-trained I think this virus wouldn’t have killed so many people and made even more sick.

There is always other ways to stop things but we have to work together and be on the same page.