The papers

Well she went and really did it. I got the divorce papers. I knew it was coming to this, but it didn’t stop the overwhelming hurt and like how it’s been since day 1, I am alone and no one wants to talk or visit. I mean I told my two “best friends ” ( btw they haven’t been there for me at all) and well they went out on a couples date. Would have been nice if empathy won out and maybe come and cheer me up, but….

So, back to the divorce papers. I’m not sure just how to take it. She isn’t raking me over the coals what so ever. It’s even wrote in a way that won’t bite me in the ass later. My thoughts immediately go to the fact that she wants out so bad that she gave up typical things you would expect in a divorce degree.

I’m left still confused about why the marriage ended, what I did or didn’t do, why does she prefer this guy who is no prize and also 20+years older and never ever allowed me a chance to fix things or talk.

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February 29, 2020

Hello there.  I’m so sorry for what you are going through.  I wish I had something profound to say … I don’t know you, but you are in my prayers.  Hang in there!


February 29, 2020

@angelgrl87 thanks

February 29, 2020

It’s sad that you have to go through this alone, but if you want you can add me on Facebook…I will give you my id…..

February 29, 2020

@jaythesmartone I don’t do Facebook anymore

March 2, 2020
