Something new

Trust me, I want to wail like usual, nothing changes there. Well one thing, I’m back to work and it’s exciting but killing me. I didn’t realize just how bad my knees have gotten. They almost went out on me 4 times today.

I finally broke down and paid for Tinder only to find that, like all the others, some of the world’s most undesirable people await me and now I’m $18 poorer.

I really have stopped looking, as I hear constantly, it will find me..  it obviously doesn’t know where to find me though.


I’m really missing my little family life tonight for some reason. I will probably never get over it or even have it again. I would kill to sit and have a “how was your day” with Patty right now and a big hug from my boys.  But no, just a stale hot apartment with the electric off because of the storm. Another I miss, sitting on the porch with them all watch the storm come through.

I’m really trying no to hate my life that much…

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July 21, 2023

I feel you…even though you find someone or you’re with someone, you can still feel alone at times.  Or they can be soul-sucking in some ways (past boyfriends).  I hope you meet some new coworkers that can make you smile and laugh.

July 21, 2023
