So, who’s got bad knees??

I just started manager training for 7-11 last week and by Friday I was all but lame. I mean, I seriously could not walk because of my shit knees. Now I can’t tell you if I’m glad footed or not, but I do have what I was lead to believe are the “best” shoes for knee pain. I’ve just spent the last 2 days icing and heating my knees and also going between Aleve and Tylenol and I’m not pain free, but I am able to slow walk comfortably.

Much like everything for the last 4 years, I have absolutely no one to turn to for help or advice, so I’m a little freaked out. I can not lose this job and I am in no condition to go get both knees replaced.

It’s not just me training either, there are 2 others, both under 30, who run around and have “cocaine” energy. So I feel the need to keep up and I also feel since I can’t, I’m being judged.

Now the job is so much more than stocking and standing and I am sure I can run rings around them with the paperwork side of things. I’m just, well, it’s just when you have things all go to shit like what’s happened to me over the last 7 months, I get panicked and anxious that this too will disappear for me.

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July 23, 2023

I don’t have bad knees yet, I suppose, but I’ll tell you what I do have.  I have really dry, cracked elbows.  This is probably due to my aversion to lotion of all kinds.  I think if I were to overcome that, maybe the skin on my elbows wouldn’t be as sharp as it is now.

July 24, 2023

@peripheral_visionary you missed the assignment…LOL  I too have the dried elbows.

July 24, 2023

Im sorry to hear that.  Have you tried strapping them to see if that eases with the weight bearing?

July 24, 2023

@melancholybaby7 Braces don’t seem to help, plus I’ve been told that sometimes they can make things worse..

July 24, 2023

are you stationery or all-around?  sometimes those cushy mats can help with stationery standing.