New twist

so now I’m scared and anxious to get another job. I have already self sabotaged one by being over anxious and I fear I may do it again

For some reason my therapist and psychiatrist aren’t available and I have no one else to talk about it, that is unless I want the nasty replies of ” man up ” stop being a bitch.

I’m afraid of the starting of a new job, I could go back, but I can’t do the old one anymore. I want a normal 40 week I don’t want the 80+ 7 days a week like before. I’m 53 for Christ sake and I can no longer do that.

I have one more rent payment saved so it’s got to happen sooner then later. Let’s face it, I am never going to have the job I want much like everything else.

Yes, be happy in what I have

I’m trying to


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July 17, 2024

You may not find the job you want, but you may find the job you like. Start looking outside the usual. You worked at a convenience store didn’t you? How about transferring that service know-how to a phone customer service position in an industry you’re interested in?

The start of every job is anxiety-inducing, I remember crying on the first day at one job because they were throwing sooo much info at me too fast and too soon.