I am fully aware that I live in a head that is broken. It has been beaten down over the years by ex’s and old employers and primarily me. I am the type of person who would let a sad lion out of a cage only to be attacked.
The divorce papers were signed and sent off today. My soon to be decided to text me and as I suspected all those months ago, is now poisoned by people. We had the typical marriage money issues that most people have. You hear it constantly about how hard a family has it and we were one. Some weeks it came down to feeding the boys or gas in the car for work. Well that must have been her reason for grabing on to a near 60yr old man and ending things. As she so colorfully put it ” you suck and all the money problems I had to fix were your fault”
Last I knew it at the old household we owed taxes, which were paid by tax return (as we planned) and after I was “dumped” for Grandpa, I paid all the utilities and cable for 2 months after.
I can’t stop feeling bad about myself though. She cheated, lied, and blew shit up, but I have been made the bad guy in all of this by everyone because I paid bills late?
She is fucking lucky that you even did that…you could have been a real prick and gone to the bar with your buddies……I hate women like her…Any man that has to decide if it’s food for the kids or gas for the car is a true parent…..I wish there were more men like you.
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Aww… you poor guy. :^( Is Grandpa rich? Stupid bitch. No one thinks of the man in the divorce.
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