Maybe I can’t be loved

I laid down to nap about 4pm yesterday and just woke up about an hour and half ago. There’s a thunderstorm so once again the internet is out. 3rd time this weekend so watching TV is out of the question, so now I’m lost in thought.

This has lead me to be retrospective on my failed romances. 2 marriages and at least 4 other relationships that have pretty much ended the same way. Me being left for another. No one stays with me. Can a person be too good for another?

I don’t want to come off like a narcissistic asshole, but I honestly can’t think of me causing the trouble. I never cheated or outright lied in any of my relationships. Well not the ones I was serious about that is. The only two people who truly loved me are gone. My mother and daughter. Don’t get me wrong,  my boys care, but have never really called to check on me. My sister calls when she needs something. ” Hi Colby, how are you? I was wondering…….”

I’m thinking of the life I lived up to 4 years ago and how it’s continuing without me. Having to be stuck on the outside looking in. It especially sucks when you know the man who she left me for and who she gave it all to, doesn’t deserve it. Maybe it’s me, but in the past when I got involved with a divorced woman I was never comfortable with her life before, not enough so that I just took over their exs role like he has done to me.

IDK. Maybe I am that asshole? That unlovable individual who is meant to just exist to better others and never have anything of my own. Not my family, friends, or children. Not my possessions or hard working efforts. I’m not a selfish person. I can’t live for just myself, but I can’t keep living when all I have or earn goes to others.

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July 24, 2023

What’s wrong with living for yourself?
maybe that’s exacting what you need. I find the idea of living for  oneself very liberating and empowering. The realty is, most people in this world are selfish. In the end, you come to realize that all you truly have in this world is yourself. It’s not such a bad thing.

July 24, 2023

sometimes it’s not that anyone is at fault, or something bad caused failure, sometimes it’s not the right fit.  I know with past relationships they weren’t always about one person doing something to the other that was hurtful, it just wasn’t the right fit for both to be happy.

July 24, 2023

Be with yourself and vibe to your own beat.

You need to be yourself, be silly and be okay with that. 😊

I fully believe everyone has someone. But the universe grants that when you are getting back to your true self.

Good luck,  believe in yourself,  I belive in you ¤♡¤

August 15, 2023

I can only imagine how hard it is to see your life and everything you’ve worked for just handed to another person…so hard.  I am sure if I were in your situation I would be feeling the same way.

I think as your boys get older they will be more attentive.  Kids and teenagers mostly just think about and worry about themselves, you know?