I did a stupid thing.

I quit my job. I have $1400 in the bank and I quit my job. Ofcourse I was told that I could get hired at a friend’s place. Doesn’t seem to be happening now.

Don’t get me wrong I was suffering with burnout, like anxiety inducing panic burnout . Never a day off, more work then I could handle.

But now I’m stuck, what do I do now? Seems like everything is a scam and I don’t qualify for anything.

Scary truth, I’m broken. I can’t get unemployment and I doubt I can get any welfare help for the next couple months. I have no family that will take me in and help and friends, well they all dried up.

I’m writing this in the middle of an anxiety moment at a time I can’t do anything about it anyway.

I want to call the crisis line, but they’ll just turn it around and make it about stress management or coping. What I need is an escape, like someone to show up with a pizza and bullshit.

Im stupid

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2 weeks ago

I’m just getting caught up.  I’m sorry you are still in so much pain and despair.