For some reason
I’m not feeling it today. I can’t ever sleep in any more, my body has a way of saying “it’s time” and I can’t just lay comfortably in bed. Thing is today I woke up horribly depressed. Like not wanting to go on depressed.
I’ve been somewhat on and off again crying for whatever reasons for the last half hour. I’m seriously trying to find something to distract my thoughts. I’ve already washed dishes and had coffee. Organized the hovel I live in. Maybe I pay some bills with money I don’t have.
I’m just miserable and don’t want to face another day. It’s only 7am….
I can’t sleep in anymore either, my body clock is set to 6:15. I’m struggling too, not to the extent you are, but I think my depression is because we have had gloomy gray skies for weeks, except for half a day of sun last Saturday. I could use some sun. I’ve been escaping into ebooks and audiobooks from the library to take me away from the gloom.
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