my monthly update lol – Graduating!
Yes I am getting my associate’s degree this coming Friday, the 15th. Im excited about it. My Aunt Linda came here from Kentucky to be at my graduation. She got in yesterday and she’s staying for a week. I’m going back home with her after for about a week or so. I am SUPER excited about that. I get to see my family and my goddaughters. My oldest one was talking to Aunt Linda (their grandmother) on the phone earlier today and told her "I want to talk to Mone." Yay they miss me!
And I got a photograph published in the school magazine. This is the first year they put together Energy. Its a magazine where they take students’ poems, short stories, art, and photographs and publish them obviously. So one of my photographs made it in there. I only submitted 3 though. I am super excited to see my photography somewhere other than my computer. lol.
I have no idea where I’m going to finish school. I have a few options that I’m not going to go into yet because all of them will take at least a year or two to get together anyway. I’m not going to worry about it too much. Just pray about it and let God be God.
Anyway I just thought I’d hop on and tell you guys I love and miss you all. I dont even know who still reads me when I do update. I’ve got to remember to update regularly. You all pray for me annnnd God bless you all. *hugs and smooches to you all*
give newbeginnings more *HUGS*