After 2 years I think it’s time..
Wow I have missed you.
So it’s been 2 years since I wrote here. I used to write as if it was a religion and it’s been sooo long! I’d love to read back on all my entries but the internet is being a little bitch right now I better try another time.
So, now I’m 22. God knows what age I was when I started this diary. My first EVER diary was in 1996. And I’ve filled about 4 up since then. I must keep this regular or it will be forgotten about just like it was 2 years ago.. I used to love receiving notes from people who would come back again and again just to read what I wrote! Most of them are probably gone now.
My youngest sister had a baby boy in May this year named Tyler, I can not even express to the world how BEA-UT-IFUL he is!! He’s just starting to smile.. he looks so much like what Fay did as a baby it’s incredible. So I now have 3 nephews and 1 neice. Which is kinda crazy because my mum only had 4 girls and from that 3 boys have come out and only 1 girl! Lol. So all my sisters have kids and I don’t.. that’s fine for me, they keep me occupied! I don’t want kids for a long long time.
I still want to move across the world. This is definitely not the life I want!! Obviously my friends and family I want but it’s my life that I want to change.
Who would have thought it, I’m still in a relationship lol. My opinions on relationships was very different at the start of this diary to how I am now! So it’s been over 4 years now with Jason! I live with him and his mum, moved out of my cosy lil flat (that I moved in last year may 10 and lived there for a year) recently. Jeez I’ve moved home like 6 times in the last 5 years! This should be the last time moving. Things with my bills have been a lot easier now I’ve moved out. Actually been able to buy things for myself! I would never have moved from my flat though if I could have afforded it. So I should be out of debt by the end of this year π It’s just my damn overdraft that’s not helping, I’m stuck in it! Ugh. Lottery win please? I would be out of here like a rocket. God the lives I could change for everyone close around me..
I’m still working full-time and I wouldn’t have anything less. Everyone moans about work but I’m glad I have wages going into my account! Keeps me busy too. Worked at my current job for over 2 years now. π
This wasn’t really a proper update but I have to go sort some things out.. there’s still a lot of my things from my flat around and I better use my only day off until NEXT weekend to sort it out lol.
I will be back. π
~Clare x