Pushing On


Totally had a meltdown today. Yeah.  I was that girl today.  God, I just love it when I can’t keep myself under control.  But, I guess sometimes you just have to have some sort of release.  

I don’t really want to say anything more about that.

I am getting excited for Christmas.  It should be a really nice time.  I am going to have some money for once so I should be able to buy my family some nice gifts. 

My job is going well.  I am liking it.  I work a lot of 3rds, but that’s okay with me.  Better than weekends!

Other than that, nothing is going on.  Still trying to figure out when I am going to be able to get to Canada.  Now it’s looking like January.  I always push my needs back.  Everyone else comes first.  Hence, the meltdown.

Pushing on.


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