YO manz .. wassup? hows things?

K .. enough of that.

Sorry I haven’t been online for SOOOOOO short a while, making all of you miss me IMMENSELY!!! LOL .. School sux but you know, the SUCKY thing is FINALLY OVER. Sorry for all the CAPS here and there, but you know i am young, so face it! Haha, thats all the crappiness built up, letting go at one shot. kakaka.. I am seriously not making sense here, but it only make sense because i am not the one who usually talk sense. Tricky there… Evil too.

Back to some normal talk. My school is OVER. Finished my last few exams. They were extremely crappy. But i am extremely loyal to the faith of things-will-turn-out-fine-somehow. Thats much better than the scientology (PS: if you are a scientologist, sorry. And please change that to poo-bear-logy). Results gonna be out soon. Being a faithful follower of my religion, I am sure my God would fulfill my final wish. oh anyway, school is OVER and thats all that matters. My FYP is done too so i am a free man finally!!! That beats getting out of the Guantemalo (how ya spell that bloody word anyway) jail, erm… becausely basically no one does (I made that up <- too bad now you can't sue me).

And oh, I found a job!!!!!!! As a bloody boring, monotonus, no life ENGINEER!! I really think it sux, but then all jobs sux. And its really sucky when you don’t even have a sucky job. That REALLY suxs. Anyway, the whole incident is rather funny so i shall just say it (not that you have a choice anyway). The school (nice, for once) organise this career event, where they get all the companies who need suckers to work for them, come to the school. So it became an easy opportunity for suckers like me, to pretend that I have done a lot of research on the companies when in fact I haven’t (that seems like a different point, and ought to be in another sentence. whatever!), to go for many interviews in a day. That really saves me a lot of effort. And you know this kinda effort is especially unbearable, because you can spend an enormous amount of effort and get nothing in return. So i spend a few days goign for different interviews. Most of them are crappy. They want you to work like a cow (does cow work? in teenage mutant ninja turtle, they always say cow-work-bunga, so i assume they do),and pay you nuts (I must be a nut to want those nuts, but they are some kinda nuts that i really dun mind. ^_^ <- thats a crappy sign anyway). And the airline company was one of the company there. They are looking for air steward and stewardess. But they ran out of forms. So i had to borrow one for photocopying. But oddly enough, being in the school for 4 years, I have no idea where the photocopying machines were (hey, at least i hand-copied my work, okay. Show some appreciation!). But luckily my fren does, vaguely though. so we spent quite a while looking for a bloody photocopying machine. And after some sweating and searching, we found it and went back after that. BUT the bloody airline company LEFT!!! Its totally annoyning. And it turns out that the company which eventually hired me, was by the side. Not wanting to waste the effort, we went in. And guess what, they hire the both of us. WOOOO!!!! YEAH. So i landed myself a job. Cool huh. Its always interesting how life give surprises. like santa claus, birthdays, cancer, accidents… woops.. went the wrong way.

If you managed to read up to here, it means you must be the goody people. Sorry I haven’t written for so long. I don’t know if its me, but this site takes a very long time to load. So its a really bad push factor. HAHA my excuse is really good huh! Got you there. Anyway, I will try to write more often now that my school is over. School you SUX.

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