saving grace..

It has been more then a month, I have no real excuse.. other then it being summer and me not "finding time" but really.. I should just write and not dwell.  I am not entirely sure many people are left reading me.. I still read all of YOU daily, I am just usually eating breakfast before work so I forget to note when I come home. I suck.

We are actively TTC.  And by actively I mean, I am temping every morning.. And I finally got my OPKS in the mail.. I filled my Metformin rx this past sunday (with a relief pharmacist) and am waiting until AF arrives to start.. just to make sure I am not already pregnant.  I am going to do one cycle of just Metformin and then will start clomid.. The whole process is long, and sucks but hopefully I will be pregnant in the next 4 months or so.. Stupid LONG cycles.  Last month I actually had a period on my own, after only like 35 days or something.. (my normal cycles before Coop were like 60 days or so..) So this month I just thought I would see if I ovulated.. Fertility Friend says I did last Friday, according to my temperatures.. Unfortunately my OPKS came to late to know for sure..

So.. who knows.. I am never optimistic about this.. But we did DTD a shit ton last week.. More then we have since Cooper was born..  We are normally a twice a week kinda couple, no matter how hard I try to up that.. Gah. I dunno what it is exactly.. but we are content otherwise? This last week we DTD like. 6 times?! Holy smokes! It was fabulous, let me say.. if you live on my street, don’t come to my backdoor or you might get an eyefull of us around 7pm! LOL

I have "pretty much" weaned Cooper.  He still nurses in the am, because I am toooooo lazy to get up and get him a sippy of milk.. Brandon is 100% in charge of bedtime now, and it is REALLY fabulous.  Although he has it SUPER easy.. We had a couple of rough nights in the beginning but now B just lays him down and off to sleep he goes.. Sometimes he resets his music a few times, but it’s pretty much easy peasy.  The only rough thing is that Cooper isn’t a fan of me putting him down for a nap or sleep.. Last week one out of two naps were horrendous.. he cried for.. an hour.. I would go up and rock him and he would be SOOOOUND asleep but would FREAK if I laid him down. So I had to just walk out and let him cry 🙁 Poor boy.

He is a rascal.  Most days after work once I get him home he has a period of 30 minutes were he just freaks out and cries.. It sucks.  I don’t knot what it is, hungery.. tiredness? But I had the breakdowns.. He has them when I won’t take him outside IMMEDiATELY that MINUTE.  Oooh toddler-hood.  He is pretty awesome though. He has fun, plays on his own and laughs like no other. I LOVE him.

Work is alright. My boss is being REALLY sticky on inventory control and at times it’s hard for me to run the pharmacy that way.. It’s too complicated to write about but it’s annoying.  Coworkers are great, boss is mostly good, and I laugh alot… which is what matters.

We are heading to Toronto this weekend for a friend’s 30th birthday.  All the "guys" are turning 30 this year, so it’s about time we made it to one of the parties..
We are going KIDLESS, and it’s going to be great.  I am so hesitant leaving Cooper with my MIL but I know it will be fine, she is super good with him.. I worry about her going out and abotu with him, but I have to just.. let go.. Ya know?

My oldest brother and SIL had a baby girl last week.. Lily Grace Anne was born on the 8th, (7-08-09 weird!) at 4:43pm, drug free.. 6lbs 5oz.. She is super duper tiny and ADORABLE.

I have a rash all over my damned legs and arms.  I have NO idea what it is from.. but it’s there.. So itchy and annoying.  Going to the doctor won’t do much good, I am already taking benadryl and applying betamethasone cream.. So I am just waiting for it to get better…..

I guess that’s all I have to report.. Maybe in a week I will get a BFP and I can gush to my favourite ladies? Hrmm what WOULD be fabulous to get pregnant ALL on my own.. 

Love you!


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