Merry Christmas

I am absolutely EXHAUSTED.


I have been fighting the urge to go to bed for more then an hour, and I am finally giving in.

Today I ate three full, huge meals and I am soooo full.  But I still just ate two lindor chocolates.


Christmas was amazing. But soooo tiring.  So much running. Ugh.


Cooper’s sleep is so messed, last night he was up from 330-5am off and on I have NO clue why (well I have an idea– no pooping PLUS teething.. Poor boy..) I really hope he SLEEEEEEEEPS tonight..


Tomorrow is going to be his first REAL feed of homo milk– Brandon is going to do it.. I just have a hard time detaching myself from him.. I want to cry. However, I don’t want to pump when I go back to work… i honestly don’t think I would have time.. So it’s weaning time and I NEED to do it. I go back to work in a month, a fucking month. This SUCKS.

SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS. I am soooo going to be a debbie downer for the next month..


One plus note: Brandon told me last week he can see why I want to have two.. He is onboard, FINALLY for two.  I knew he would be.. I even told him tonight that I would sneak attack him and get preggers without him knowing.. IE not knowing I was on clomid.. Because he hates pre-creation sex.. it’s too much of an agenda for him.. heh. So.. that should give me a reason to stop bfing right there.. BABIES!  😀


I am rambling. I will write something real in the next couple of days. I have another busy day tomorrow, but luckily people are visiting ME.




MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lilypie 1st birthday piclilypie 1st birthday ticker

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