Lack of motivation [7]

Oooh geez.. NoJoMO is so hard.. I have nothing I feel like I need to say..

I am exhausted.. Cooper woke up at like 1am last night (this morning?!) and I couldn’t get him to settle unless it was with me.. so.. to bed with me he came.. and I get NO good sleep with him in bed with me.. I have no clue how people co-sleep all the time.. I guess you get used to it?

I hope the kid lets me sleep tonight.. He is getting that other bottom tooth, I am just waiting for it to break the skin..

I will try to write tomorrow.. but I think it might be the first day in November that I don’t.. Looks to be a busy day as i have packed NOTHING for our trip to Toronto.. I am still nervous but trying to relax..

I am currently uploading some of the christmas cards I made.. I will post them if I get it done.. soonish!


Off to lay on the couch (read: Pass out.)





lilypie 1st birthday piclilypie 1st birthday ticker

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