[11] floating down the river

Good news today! My brother and sister in law are pregnant!! Yay!  Laurie has PCOS like me, and had to have an Intra-Uterine-Insemination to get pregnant with Hayden (who is almost exactly 1 year older then Cooper) and she did have to do the same procedure again to create this baby.. But it worked first time.. thank goodness.. Apparently without the meds that she left over from last year.. So YAY! baby!

and I am a little bit jealous, because I just keep hoping that it might happen "by mistake" to us.. I should be more practical though.

I hate during the beginning of the week the carseat is never in my car.. B never gets around to moving it until Wednesday when we have  swimming lessons.. It sucks. So we are pretty much home bound unless the weather is nice enough to walk somewhere, or we go somewhere after supper (not likely)

I am dreading the fact that the expansion for the video game that B plays is coming out on Thursday.. I should really have some firm plans for the weekend evenings because it’s not bloody likely that he is going to be doing anything with me.. Sucks.  As long as he keeps the majority of his playing to "His nights" I wil be happy.


I have been *trying* to be more interested in sex.. but I am just.. not.. I don’t know why, but I am still blaming it on hormones.. I enjoy it when we start "doing it" but never can get myself interested before hand.. I really want to try to "put out" Heh. more often.. Right now it’s maybe once or twice a week, if he’s lucky.. I wish that I(we) could at least do it every other day.. or something.. … Hello, Sex drive?! Where are you?!?! Gah.

Well it’s time to bathe a cranky, teething baby.. His second tooth is already in… I think it’s still hurt ing him, or the top ones are coming in too.. Eek!





lilypie 1st birthday piclilypie 1st birthday ticker

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