The insane world

Twelve years on and the world has reached a level of insanity that even I never thought possible. I mean I’ve always had a negative outlook on life but the glass is no longer half empty its well and truly broken!

Phrases and their true meanings in 2018

White privilege – A racist ideology that at its core is simply a statement acknowledging black ‘failure’ in the eyes of whites. It’s not racist against whites, it’s the exact opposite.

Non binary genders … Right up their with the flat earthers and the Christians who believe the earth is a few thousand years old. Denying science to justify what is clearly a form of mental illness.

The SJW – Like hippies in the 60’s less the flowers. Having grown up in the virtual world they carry that aggression and lack of respect through to the real world. At least the hippies gave us good music.

Make America great again – Ignorance was bliss I guess, Back to the future IV? If we could turn back time … In some ways as delusional as the non binary genders.

The selfie – A reflection, quite literally,  of the rampart narcissism that  engulfs this generation. When you live in a world where evryone’s special, no one loses and what you want matters most what do you expect?



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