You Are Confident!
I get into work today at was asked to pick a piece of paper out of a box.
is what I drew out. Just the other day my husband said that exact same thing to me. He asked me if I am afraid of anything, and after a lot of thinking I realized that I am not really. I mean of course if I was standing in front of a guy pointing a gun at me, I would shit myself, but what is the worst that could ever happen?
I guess that is it. I have always thought that you could never accomplish anything without some form of confidence and belief in yourself.
But I guess that there is a lot of stuff that my lack of confidence…or may be just my laziness has kept me from achieving.
- but on Thursday I am starting an 8 week Social Media Course. So that is pretty exciting.
but went onto the scale yesterday morning and I am not weighting…
That means I have lost 20Kg since July 2022. Also means that I am weighting less than the weight I was when I got married just over 5 years ago.
Very good. 🙂 It’s good to be confident Peace. 🙂
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How many pounds is 20Kg? Good job on the weight loss. I really wanted to lose about 15 pounds before summer got here again but I didn’t do it. I guess it’s never too late to try to do it.
it is never too late to do anything! 😉
1kg = 2.2llb So I have lot just about 44llb
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