Week 1: Day 3 of 90
Damn was it tough!
So, I went to bed real early last night and so I have been up since 3 am this morning. So, I have been reading my kindle…. 4 am struck and I figured I would try and sleep until it was time to get up to go to gym. Yeah, that didn’t happen…
Instead, the rain came pouring down…the idea of getting out bed to run in the rain to my car and then workout at gym and then run home to wash my hair and work just was not rubbing me the right way…
All I was feeling right then was to…
but I was off sick last week from work!
So, I braved the shit weather and went to gym. I was so happy that I had an endless choice of which treadmill to workout on.
I was even more impressed with our steady I was running this morning. Wasn’t there for too long…so worked out on the treadmill for 10 min…
I left the gym at 6 am and I can still feel my heart pounding. So, I am feeling
Think I am going to aim getting up early in the morning to go to gym as supposed to going after work. I feel so much more refreshed and energized. And the gym is less crowded! It is still dark outside since it is winter but hey…
to get what you want! And right now, I am wanting to be…
Uff, it is really difficult to do it after a sleepless night and when the rain whispers something like “why do you need this.” Well done!
Thanks for understanding. I am lying in bed right now and my back is in such pain the idea of going to gym in a few hours is really not rubbing me up the right way!
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It just takes SO much motivation to work out. I’m proud of you for doing it. I told myself I was going to start riding my bike every day and get in shape before our beach trip but so far I have fallen short on that goal. Time is running out so I better find my motivation soon.
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