Week 1: Day 2 of 90

So I woke up well. Cedarville Pnkfun1 Cursive

Last night I packed my gym clothes for later today, so I plan on hitting the gym and hopefully there will be a treadmill open for me to use by the time I get there. Or I could just workout a bit harder on the eucalyptus and bicycle.

I aim to drink more water than I did yesterday!

On Sunday night my husband was holding me while we were sleeping…or at least trying to sleep and he commented on how muscular my legs have gotten.

And they have. I am really impressed with how I am looking and feeling. Of course, I could be doing more and pushing myself more, but I am pleased with myself right now!

So, I made it to the gym last night and I got to use a treadmill and I did some running. It was really cool running on the machine, although it was tiring it was good. I got home feeling pretty chuffed with myself but I was exhausted by the time I hit the bed.

By the end of the night, I had only managed to have reached  3 880 steps. 


I am not so impressed with that, but hey…







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