Trucker’s Survey
Not sure what a Trucker’s Survey is, but saw this on a ‘FRIENDS’ post and figured I would steal it Thanks @CelestialFlutter
Sometimes! Sometimes I do BBQ sauce. Or just Borewors, Roll and Fried Onion and Mushroom…ooh I could do with a Borewors roll. I never took to actual Hot Dogs…
Never knew that was a thing…so I guess no.
Love swimming. As a kid in Summer I was always in the pool. Now I am overweight so been a real long time since I was in a pool…but that is about to change soon!
I dunno. Don’t think so…obviously as a child I did, but now not really too bothered…but things have and do go missing in my house.
Female style prob about 5.
So in South Africa that would be September – November.
Yip, I have 4 eyes!
As Simba once said…
I love Julia Roberts. So, a close second fav movie would be as a child my fav movies were and
My first 3 cars were Manual…’STICK’ as you call it in America
Nope! Too heavy!
2x 1x 1x but they have all gone to the farm now…
I don’t think I have a fav restaurant. Guess depends on mood…but my top 5 restaurants would be… (in no particular order)
Kinda. Can blow out of my mouth, and sometimes a sound comes out…
A hospital where I wouldn’t be caught dead in now, it is so run down….
Right Femur Bone
Right Ear
Left Ear
Wisdom Teeth
Next week having Bariatric Op
Shower! In Baths you are just sitting in your own dirt. If I ever feel like having a relaxing bath, I need to shower before…but only have shower in flat right now so guess it is all Baths! Last time I could bath we had water restrictions, so Baths were not allowed.
Losing my mom.
Yes, I do.
Haven’t been on a camp in a long time, but in High School I would go on a summer camp every year with a Jewish Youth Movement.
This was very fun to read….you put a lot of work into this 🙂
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