The Cycle Continues…

I get home last night, and we talk it out. Of course this is initiated by him.

He tells me how the drinking has gotten bad…and it is because he uses the excuse of going for a drive in his car when he in fact he will go by a bottle of liquor and just sit in his car and drink…

Shock Graffiti I know this already.

He said that besides the money he needs to his accounts etc. he will transfer the rest to our account, and should he need money he will ask me…


I told him how he needs to go back to church, and he needs to see a therapist. Didn’t tell him how I am seeing someone next week and what my plans are for myself but for now I will just let the waters lie still…

We ended off the conversation of how this is all only for Shock Mint Fund He is trying the whole me holding onto his cars and most of his money, him seeing a therapist and going to church, for 3 months. Didn’t want to tell him how this is a lifestyle thing. Funny Kids

I guess for now will just see how things go…but I still intend to follow through with my plans for self-help therapy and getting my life on track.

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