Proudly South African ???

With all the turmoil and wars going on around the world, I sometimes like to think at least I live in South Africa…here at least I know not to wear a skimpy outfit, drive alone at night, travel in certain areas on my own, make sure my flat is always locked, don’t carry large amounts of cash, don’t drive a flashy car, don’t stay in a large house on my own even with Private Security and Alarm (because you cannot rely on the country’s National Police)…you know there are ways to prevent yourself from being another statistic/victim to crime (of course things will still happen even though you do so much to prevent it) but…

…anyway as I was saying…in South Africa if you live a secure life you can minimize the threat of being another casualty…so in that sense I am happy to be living in South Africa. Often you hear how in 1st world countries how a kid just goes to school and gets shot down by another student who just wants to be heard and had no problem buying a gun in some regular store…or you hear about a President just waking up and hating how his neighboring country is doing something and decided to bomb it down and forgets about all the innocent lives in the cross fire…or you know of stories about how one religion just wants to be the only one and wants land that isn’t entirely theirs, so decides to kill themselves and all others of the other religions….I guess you can say those are the times when I am Proudly South African…

There have been many times when I can say that I was proud to be South African and there are many times when I have wished I wasn’t. After reading the article in the link below, I did question my country and my President…if I can actually call him that…

‘The tacit support that Ramaphosa has shown for Putin’s invasion is a betrayal of our common values’ (

I mean I am no History or News buff, but I know many countries turned their backs on South Africa when South Africa was fighting the battle of Apartheid and how through the strains of sanctions the end of Apartheid came about. I know that South Africa is no power force like the USA or Brittan but we do have a voice and we are a country that does have ties to others and have our own people living or visiting others, how can we stay quiet now? How can we turn our backs when so many people (Ukrainian and Russian) are struggling and being dictated by an evil force?

We kinda did the same thing while, our own Neighbor Zim was at war and hurting many of its own people.

It is funny how South Africa has claimed, since 1994, to be a country for all and to be against racism, but it only actually ever speaks up when a Black Soul is being hurt.

I mean sure I want a lot more for my life…money, safety, title, house, children but I am lucky to be able to go to bed with a full stomach and a warm bad and roof over my head. Just a pebble throw away from my flat are man built shacks filled with the people that our Government has forgotten about…has neglected so whey could fill up here bank accounts and purchase many BMW X5’s and LV bags for their comrade’s wives.

The very people that my fellow South Africans have chosen to lead and protect us and fight for us and stand up for us, time and time again, are the very people that are making me hate my heritage and citizenship. They are the very people that make me feel ashamed to wave the South African flag. While many other countries and brands and businesses are standing up for Ukraine, The ANC is keeping quiet and focusing more on how to make life in South Africa harder to live in.


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