Loving Me!

Happy Summer

This morning’s (Friday the 14th) session with my new BFF! was great. Okay so she isn’t my friend, but I felt it was so easy to talk to her and open up to her, unlike the past Therapist/OT/Doctors that I have seen in the past.

Towards the end of the session, I showed her the Puzzle Pieces of myself that I did last week. And she explained how we are human so we cannot be the positive all the time, but it is good to hold on to the positive attributes you think of yourself, and I need to let go of the negative.

I went in thinking of myself as…

Shock Brat I did weight myself this morning and I am weighting 89.7kg so I need to get back on the loose weight wagon and stop with the SUGARY FOODS and NO EXERCISING! Black Pink Cursive

Shock Graffiti   Shock Shimmy Shock Horror

Shock Graffiti Shock Shimmy Shock Horror ShockThick Aarcover RegularUnderStrukk Regular  Dillydallier FreakshowKBNoodleMonster

We agreed to let go of all those words I used to describe myself and I just shredded my page with them all on… I then had to write positive words of myself, and we talked about why I felt I was that word. It was hard but it made my insides warm and it made me smile.

Happy Memories Happy Swirly Happy School Happy Lucky Black Pink Cursive  Crazy JazzyCrazy Dots Crazy Midnight

Crazy Rich Crazy Rascals Crazy Rascals

Crazy Rascals

was meant to get up and start the day with gym this morning…but it was so miserable outside I chose to stay in bed a lil longer. Could go after work tonight but I have a Shul meeting. So, I plan to go after work tomorrow.

Money has gotten very tight and so yesterday I made the decision to cancel my pending appointment with the therapist (seeing her on Friday) but then I remember the picture I saw on Facebook yesterday morning…

Motivation | Success | Business• | You are the greatest project you'll ever work on. Restart. Reset. Refocus. As many times as you need. Just dont give up | Instagram

I will give up a few slabs of CADBURY DAIRY MILK CHOCOLATE SLAB 80g - Hasmart and a few bottles of Mexican Coke Bottle and invest in myself instead.

Talking about money being tight…I managed to spend a ludicrous amount of money on … How to Ship Shein US Internationally in 3 Easy Steps

…and the trolley was only filled with clothes for myself, my Bio Mother, Bio Half Sister and her kids. I removed the clothes that I included for my husband and his family.

Why You Need To Put Yourself First And How To Get Started


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