First Few Days!!!!
Monday, I went in and after some time…I went for the cut. Well not really a cut since I am lying on my bed right now with 6 rather painful holes in my stomach.
It is so weird…
This morning I weighted myself and I was just a lil over 2kg down. But I was so confused. I kinda know what I must be eating but I am not really hungry and so even though I am thinking about what the doc said I am lil panicked at this feeling of a constant bubble on my chest or above my tummy.
In hospital I was sleeping a lot, guess it was whatever was in the drip they gave me and was often making me have to call a nurse to unhook the machines I was connected to, so I could run to the bathroom. But now I am finding myself to be rather bored
In hospital I wasn’t very coherent so was watching whatever I felt like rewatching, mainly off
, but last night I started watching
and I finished the first season a lil while ago and about to start
season 2, so I am not having any problem being at home and finding something to do. I am just really bored and part of me is regretting having the Bariatric Op, because I could be entertaining my boredom now with something to snack on…I guess that would be bad thing. For the past few hours all I have been daydreaming about is JUNK FOOD!
but that is all going to have to wait until I can eat solids and eve longer for when I will be able to eat such unhealthy food….so looking at a year or so…
a few hours after getting home from the hospital, once my husband was all done with his work, he arranged to work from home yesterday, he starts moaning about what he can eat as he was hungry….almost as if he was expecting me to get up and make him something to eat….then last weekend he upgraded his phone to a
Apple iPhone and was expecting me to help him set it up….okay maybe I am overreacting he was asking me questions on setting it up but I couldn’t even think clearly so I wasn’t very helpful. I am so irritated that he insisted on getting an old iPhone just because he prefers the old look of the circle button, as supposed to the new look which makes it look like every other smart phone.
That is what he got…well kinda because of its round button and won’t go for newer version like mine…
My sister-in-law is still with us. when I spoke to my father, who is on holiday in America, he told me how he cannot wait to come back home and kick her out and have a word with
I am not really looking forward to that. I don’t like the idea of having tension around me and having this all blow up in my face. I mean what are they going to do? She can’t seem to find a place that she can afford and the ones she can afford she cannot give the landlords a 3-month upfront payment. I don’t know if I want to live a life without my husband…. well with the way things have been I guess I can live without that, but I am hopefully that he can be better, and things will get better.
Yesterday when I was packing my hospital bag into the back of the car, I saw a 750ml bottle of vodka in a liquor store bag… it is now open and half drunk in the fridge, but I was just fuming in my head that he was late to fetch me from the hospital because he waited for the liquor store to open up so he could buy vodka. Who knows if he drank some before coming to fetch me…I didn’t smell anything on his breathe but then again, I was just happy to get out of the hospital.
He was going on about how after all the money for his loans was deducted from his salary, he only had 8 grand…seemed like he was kinda hinting at him not paying me his contribution towards our expenses. While I was lying in bed, he was going on about how much he would have left and how he has bought nothing for himself…in the end I stood strong and did the transaction of the 7 grand from his account to mine.
I know the cravings are hard…not personally but I remember my husband going through it. It will all be so worth it when that weight starts falling off. Hang in there!!!
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