Day 9: Post Some Words of Wisdom that Speak to You


Quotes about Everything Happens For A Reason (109 quotes)


1 quality I love about myself is how I love to laugh and smile. The world sucks, and there have been many times I have wanted to scream and wish something didn’t happen or was done in a different way but I love how at the end of the day, even though I may carry that pain, I can still laugh and smile.

My mother always used to say that ‘Everything Happens for a Reason’ – and that is a shit statement as often I don’t know what the reason for my pain and heartache and suffering is, but it comforting knowing that one day it will all make sense.

Sometimes I need to learn from a mistake or help someone else and in doing so help myself. There is a reason for everything and dam I can’t wait to learn what the reason for all my pain is, but it has been my pain and as Kelly Clarkson says ‘What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger’







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