Day 4: Write About Someone Who Inspires You

I suppose there are many people that inspire me and all for different reasons. I am not going to list all the people…as I will most likely then be writing this post forever…but I am going to limit it to my Top 5 people.

  1. My Oldest Sister

I don’t know why and everyone that knows me has seen it, but I have always felt closest to her. I don’t tell her everything but I turn to her for most things and know I can count on her and she always checks up on me. But this post isn’t about who I feel close to. She inspires me as she has always been…someone that everyone gravitates towards. She goes for what she wants in life and she makes things happen and everyone knows that if they need something they can turn to her and she will get it done…make it happen.

I kinda wish that I had some of that!

2. Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai

I impressed by these 2 wonderful young ladies. They have stood up for something that they believed so much against and for. Malala even risked her own life to stand up for the right to learn and be more than what people around her and the Terrorists allowed her to be. I wish that I had the same passion and drive to stand up for something no matter how big and small just so that the wold could hear me and actually do something about it. I guess I am just okay with doing my own thing and living whatever life offers me. But Greta is right, with the way we treat the world, what are we leaving for our kids and those that came after us?

Greta Thunberg: Why I began the climate protests that are going global |  New Scientist    When Taliban shot Malala in the head, this is what she did. Her story -  Trending News News

3. Nissim Black

A black man that found his way to Judaism and converted a few years ago. I love his song with Gad  Elbaz ‘Hashem Melech’ I am not going to say that he is the reason why I am converting, because he isn’t. But his story did push me a lil more to decide to convert to Judaism…and maybe one day call Israel home.

Orthodox rapper Nissim Black reintroduces himself to the world | The Times  of Israel

4. Lexie Reed (Fat Girl Fed Up)

Her story of being fat and standing in front of the world and taking us all on her journey to loose weight inspires me. There have been times when I have tried to follow her but of course me being lazy and constantly giving up and figuring I could do it on my own or another way, has prevented me from actually loosing weight and keeping it off. But she inspires me with her drive to loose weight and how she lets the world see her good and bad.

I kinda wish that I was confident enough to put myself out there for the world to see.

Thirty-Three and Counting: Interview with Lexi @FatGirlFedUp

5.   🚫

Seems like I was wrong, there are only 5 people that inspire me; well there are 5 people listed, but anyway.

There are obviously qualities that I see in other people that I like and may wish I had too….but I suppose it is just the above people that have really made me think and have really made me view my life and change it to be more like that. I obviously haven’t been able to be quite like them as I haven’t quite accomplished what they have, and even though I don’t think I may ever ie. Stand up to the UN and make them look at what I see is wrong and make them do something about it, or at least pretend as if they are going to do something about it (Greta and Malala)

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