Day 1: List 10 Things That Make You Happy

  1.   My Family

I have 2 families. My White family and my Black family. I call them the family I was born into and the family that chose me. Even though I am closer to my ‘White’ Family, I love them all the same. I am grateful that no matter what is going on in my life good and bad that I have them to turn to and have them to support me and love me. I know that my ‘white’ family are geographically closer to me and financially can do more and have more resources at their disposal for me, so I lean on them more and turn to them more.

2.  My Husband

I am weird…I can be moody…I can be judgemental…I am snobby (hate to admit that)…I am stubborn…and argumentative…and I know I can be hard to love but I am happy and grateful to know that he loves me and every day he chooses me.

3. My Kindle

I love getting lost in some story…may it be a love romcom easy read…or some story about rising from hardships, holocaust/slavery/immigration etc…but I just love to read and dive into someone else’s dream or journey.

4. Music & Dancing

I love connecting to a song and finding how those words speak to me. In someone’s tunes I also get lost and sometimes can discover myself. Also I love dancing. Been awhile since I have been in a club and could just shake my big booty and just let it all out…but damn I can’t wait until I can do that again.

5. Gym

I struggle getting there but when I am there I don’t know if it is the smell of all the chlorine, from the pool, or the gym smell or banging of the weights but I get a thrill climbing onto a machine and working myself into a sweat.

6. Junk

Funny how the ‘Gym’ makes me happy but so does chocolate…and cake…and unhealthy foods….probably all that serotonin.

7. Friends

I love my little close knit of friends. I know I should make an effort to see and speak to them more, but it is great that when I need them they have and continue to always be there for me.

8. Babies and Kids

I get such enjoyment from those clips and pictures on Facebook, of kids doing silly things and just looking so adorable. I really want to be a mom. But any child makes me happy. When I see a child my chest gets all warm and I just smile.

9. Open Diary Posts and Replies

I am so grateful for this family that has found me. I get some comfort from reading other peoples’ stories and reflecting on them and when I get a notification that someone has left a message to my entry, I smile and look forward to hear what someone has to say about what I think or feel. I find that in these days everyone is so busy with their lives and their madness that it is hard to find someone to actually connect with and who really cares….but here on OD I feel as if I have found that and I can be that to someone else.

10. Good Weather

Generally I am not a summery person but lately the good weather in Cape Town has put a pep in my step. I feel like I have been given that boost to put on make up and make the effort to have a good day and share the good vibes with those around me. The fact that the sun is shining through the crack in the curtain is making me want to jump out of bed and conquer the day!

I am sure I could find more things to list, but I will stop now 💋


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September 28, 2021

This is such a wonderful list and I’m so glad you did it.

thank you for all of your replies on my other posts! They were all lovely. I intend on replying to each after I sleep for a couple more hours (it’s 5:40 am here) 🙂

September 28, 2021

@queengloom – pleasure! Why are you up so early? Oh yes you did write that you wake up at 4;40 am just to check your OD replies etc. That is true dedication!! Where do you live?

Sleep well.

September 28, 2021

@ncumisa I have terrible sleeping patterns. I wake up multiple times a night and end up restless and checking my social media and OD. I try to contain it to OD as social media often annoys me haha

September 28, 2021

@queengloom – I find social media has become depressing…and so fake.

Have you spoken to someone about your sleeping? I mean a professional and not me…

I love my sleep and I an so grateful that I don’t have any issues with falling a sleep and staying asleep.

You should maybe try not eating and drinking anything after a certain time of night and perhaps going to sleep early. Also you should restrict yourself from and tv/computer etc for like an hr before going to bed or sleep.

September 28, 2021

@ncumisa Thank you for the suggestions, friend.

Social media is pretty yucky these days. I remember when it was fun and simple…myspace days haha

I have a psychiatrist who prescribed me a sleeping medication but I can’t stand how it makes me feel. Even if I cut one up and take half I’ll sleep 12-14 hours sleep and upon starting my day I’ll feel like I’ve been tranquilized. I’m also on a couple other medications that are supposed to balance me/calm me but idk, my brain is wonky!

I absolutely love sleep too. I used to take a lot of naps. I’m so jealous but happy for you that you get good sleep. 🙂


Cutting back on food/drinks before bed is an excellent idea. And I should probably charge my phone is another room so I stay off of it.

September 28, 2021

@queengloom – glad I could help

September 28, 2021

That is a good list! I appreciate my OD fam too. You are part of it!

September 28, 2021

@kartoffeltorte – Thank You! You are in my OD fam too!

September 28, 2021

@ncumisa 😉