Day 1: 21/90 Day Rule
Okay so waking up was a bit of a struggle. Alarm went off at 6am and I snoozed it til 6:15…but then snoozed it til 6:30. Figured I would punish myself and still do the home workouts and run a bit late.
Now while doing the workouts, I realized just how lazy and unfit I am, but I still soldiered on and did what I could. I am sure as the days go long I will get more into it and can work out a bit harder.
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Tomorrow, I have a Kick Class at Virgin Active and then on Sunday I have a walk along the promenade.
I know I’m out of shape because I was breathing hard on my bike ride yesterday. I am going to try to be motivated enough to ride twice a day and maybe get in better shape before summer hits.
Good Luck. We have gone into autumn and so days are all just wet…the idea of getting out of bed is not a very comforting feeling when bed is so nice and dry and warm and comfy. But I need to fit into that dress by mid August.
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