Back @ Work!!
So, I think my 1st week after having the Bariatric Op went well.
109.2 kg and considering that when I was at my heaviest (round about mid this year) I was weighting 116.9 kg Last week I went into the hospital weighting 112.2 kg so 3kg in a week, but about 7.7 kg since about July/August.
Nice and Slow but man am I craving junk… when I did the shopping yesterday it was so hard to bypass the sweets aisle or abstain from the glorious choccies lined up right next to you while you wait to pay.
I am so aggravated! My husband and I have been fighting for the past few days. Of course, he has been drinking…and drinking a lot, so much in fact that when I went into the bedroom to fetch my handbag to come to work and check if he was ready, he had crawled back into bed and called in sick. Don’t know if he was sick from all the Vodka, he had been gulchen or if he was really feeling shitty this morning, but right now his story is that he needed to take time off from work so he could schedule his interview for this week.
Right now, I don’t know what my marriage or state of it is like and in fact I am really okay if he had to walk out, I mean after all the things my sister said to him on Saturday and just all the tension, he has been threatening that he would leave in a few weeks. Now I don’t think I would mind if he actually did leave. But I do love him and don’t want to live without him. My other sister said to me yesterday that she hopes I do find the right man one day. Just thinking about this makes me want to cry. Cuz right now I am a 36-year-old with no prospects of ever having her own family.
before when I saw these in the shops, I often wondered how kids could love them…
there is only so match bland protein shakes a girl can drink…and sometimes …
Now this year is drawing to a close and soon I am going to compare where I am right now and what I listed as my resolutions in the beginning of the year. Then I am going to think and start working on a new set of resolutions and ways to better my life.
Congrats on the weight you have lost. That’s fine if it’s coming off slow as long as it’s going in the right direction.
I usually don’t do resolutions but maybe I will this year…give me something to work toward.
Making resolutions is good! When I was younger I would do them but by the 6th of January I had broken them or forgotten about them. This year I worked on them and may have accomplished a few. It is good holding yourself accountable, and ‘Resolutions’ is a good way to do that!
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