Are We All Selfish Deep Down Inside???
Due to the storm yesterday I got to work home…well I did spent a lot of the day binge watching…
And it got me thinking about people…we are…or at least I am, quick to point out when someone else is being selfish…I mean I have done it many times in my head after my husband has said or done something, but the show has made me believe that to some point we are all selfish.
I mean without giving anything away you see throughout the show how people’s character and behavior changes when offered large sums of cash or offered immunity.
I mean I don’t like to think of myself as selfish in anyway…and often throughout the show I would have chosen to add to the large sum in the end, but that is easy for me to say now while I am just watching the show and not actually in it and being faced with the challenges and the temptations.
We are constantly being faced with challenges and temptations and is it being selfish when you fall for those temptations? Okay so my temptations is the sweet aisle at the shop or waiting to pay for my shop and being surrounded by all that chocolate and things I shouldn’t eat…and I tell myself that it is okay to give in because it is only affecting me and I can afford it at that point…and my husband’s temptation is liquor, so when he has money he will go out and go to the liquor store to buy that drink and he will guzzle it down and technically it shouldn’t affect me but the after affects do…we will argue about his drinking and he will go to sleep early after consuming so much and we will have that little bit less money to spend but then again what is R 200 when you are short a couple of grand anyway…
My husband isn’t really a selfish person…he is really loving and like every human he will have those moments where he will think of himself first and isn’t that what we all should kinda do? I mean I am no Mother Thereasa, nor do I aspire to be.
Next week Sunday my shul is getting together to do a number of things.
(I have been doing that for the past 2 years every Mandela Day)
(Not sure what that will entail.)
This year since the weather is not being very inviting and I have less money at my disposal to buy those extra bed loaves and jars of Peanut Butter and Jelly, I figured that I would just not get involved this year. But while driving to work this morning and after buying my and
, I realized that this is a regular thing with me…I do this purchase about 3 times a week sometimes, so I am spending about R 300…with just
R 100 I could buy 4 loaves of bread and with R 200 I could buy about 2 large tins of Peanut Butter and that could feed a lot more people than what my indulgent treat does. And so, I will be going next week…