A Kardashian is Making me Cry…

What is up with all the Kardashians getting to me this week?

Okay well it was more like Rocky 13 Baker made me want to tear up while at work.

I so want a baby! I know I am being naive thinking it will all be clouds and baby perfume and paradise with the perfect baby…I have heard about the tiresome nights and the constant going with a baby…but I want one. I don’t care about all of that that comes with a baby, the good and bad, and I don’t care about how my depression can and will most likely impact my baby and my life.

I am 37 years old and it is time that I have something to leave on this earth. Okay that was stupid, but I want my baby!

Anyway, so I was on E!News online, I am on that site every weekday…anyway there is a post about Kim talking about how she got her VaJayJay back into shape after her 3 older kids and now is kinda doing that same after having Rocky….anyway I wasn’t concerned about that, btu talking about that what does a natural birth do to the vajayjay? Well, don’t plan on having natural…I think every woman wants to experience natural, but I hate pain so why even consider it. Also, I am short and small and not getting younger!

So, I don’t think I need to worry about getting my VaJayJay back into shape.


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