28 Days of No Sex!! It is Getting Tough!

Oaky so we scheduled some fun no sex loving last week and that didn’t happen. My husband kinda blew me off. It was annoying and, in the end, I resulted to having some fun with my toy.

The weekend came and gone…and I had quite a bit of fun with my toy! But damn last night was it tough. I nearly threw in the towel and climbed on top of him.

Crazy Robot


On Sunday I was walking through Woolworths – Department Store – V&A Waterfront and I had to talk myself out of buying a baby grow set. After holding it for a while it took a lot for me to put it back on the rails and walk away.

Anyway…it has been 8 days since the Rubella Shot. That means I have 20 more days to go!! OMG it is tough! Okay not really…but still! When you can’t have something it when you want it the most.

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