28 Days of No Sex!!

It isn’t like my husband, and I are having sex everyday…it is kinda right what they say about how when you get married the sex dies…

Okay that isn’t very true…I mean after losing a lot of weight my husband and I were at it quite often, but then he became self-conscious about the weight he had put on…

Just received script from Gynae for…

MMR vaccines may not always give lifelong immunity against measles | New Scientist

turns out my blood shows I have The Concept of Zero: The Greatest Discovery of Nothing immunity for Rubella. But now when I take this vaccine I cannot have sex for 28 days…

Thankfully I have a female toy!! Why Do We Wink? - Prevalence, Types & Interesting Facts


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June 10, 2024

My friend David is going through something similar with his partner: she put on some weight in the last year, and doesn’t feel like being intimate because she “feels fat.” My intimate friend Caroline is the same, but about other things: she has huge zit on her nose and although I find it kind of adorable for a 47 year old woman to have a zit, she is feeling ugly and doesn’t want to be intimate. I guess this is something we all have to live with in our partners.

June 10, 2024

very true. It is something that I deal with too. I think I big reason why I waited to lose my virginity was because I was just self-conscious about my size and of course the whole idea of waiting for marriage…but I didn’t want that long, and Thank G-d I didn’t…the idea of having to experience that discomfort and pain on such a special night and days after makes me so happy that I didn’t wait.

June 10, 2024

Will they test you later to be sure you are immune now? My sister had measles as a small child and she had the MMR (twice) and never gained immunity.

June 10, 2024

I have no idea. Well after taking it I do plan on emailing my gynae to let her know.

I want to be able to have a baby one day and hopefully that day will be soon, so I am prepared to do anything and everything that I can financially and physically do. I am sure I will have the whole Rubella Immunity and Sugar test. I am also taking meds to level out my sugar levels as they are quote high thanks to PCOS and my addiction to sugar.