אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl Pg 99

Prime Minister BiBi spoke at Capitol Hill last night, and I actually sat through the 45-minute speech and paid attention to what he had to say.  Throughout the speech I kept thinking how well those glutes must be working out with the number of times the sitting stood up and clapped for him. I also laughed at how American’s love it when they are being complimented…well I guess that goes for all people, but the crowd clapped extra hard and cheered whenever Bibi mentioned how much they are needed to complete this war, and how their support has helped and how meaningful the solidarity to Israel is.

Last year I joked about how a family member, who was born in South Africa, actually volunteered to be part of the IDF. This was way before October 7th, and even though both his parents are born Israeli’s he never had the obligation to join. Anyway…my joke was how he thought he was just going up there to be part of something and learn a few things and gain an experience…only to then be deployed into an actual war. But after hearing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speak about the soldiers that were present, I felt this patriotism and divine love for Judaism and Israel.

I loved how he called the Pro Palestinians; Yume no Drive Regular. I think he used a respectful term for them, I mean I would have much harsher words for them. But I suppose after listening to all the videos of their interviews, ‘Idiots’ is pretty precise of a word for them, particularly the homosexuals. (BTW. I am not homophobic)

Prime Minister Bibi mentioned the many things that Jews have been called over the years and are still called to this day…

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and so many other things. But through it all who are the people that the world know they can count on when times are tough?

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Oh well, guess the world will always hate the minority or the weak…that isn’t really true considering that Hamas started this war and even though they are weak compared to Israel and many other nations, they have put up a big fight and the expense of innocent lives.

I wonder is Trump and Biden where at Capitol Hill last night, during Bibi’s speech? I didn’t see either of them, well besides Bibi and the people he called out I didn’t point out any specific person.

The weather in Cape Town has been horrendous these past few days…I have been cold all time. So, I had no plan on going to shul tomorrow night, but I just received a WhatsApp asking me to open the Arc during Aleinu. Now that will be a great honor, but I was really seeing myself cuddled up in bed tomorrow night right after work… as I am writing this, I am getting the feeling that when Hashem calls you answer! So, I will be going to shul! And I will stand up proud as I open and close the arc. Ooh… I just hope I will be called up at the right time to go up to the bimah to open the arc.

The other day I started reading the Torah. Figured I would start reading at Ezra SIL, which is the portion that this week’s parsha is at. And wow was it confusing. I didn’t get very far or continue to read it last night, so I really should continue today and try and complete as much as possible. All I read so far was how the various tribes were called up and the heads of each tribe was listed and how the Levites were instructed to carry and guard the tabernacle.

While I was reading the portion I read I kept thinking how I wish I could join a Bible Group and actually have someone explain all this to me. I mean I did join a Bible Group last year, but it was all talk about what we took from the readings…and other than attend a few Premium Vector | Zoom Meeting Logo classes I didn’t last very long at it.

I do intend to continue, and I suppose even if I don’t keep up with the weekly Parasha readings, at least I am doing my part in learning and listening to Hashem. Mmm…I could always spend some time with my father and discuss the readings I have done…my dad’s late father was a Rabbi. I suppose it would have been great if I went to a Jewish School…but one is never too old to learn!

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