אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl Pg 98
I really wish I really knew what his plan was. I mean is his plan that every person living on the earth he created to live by his faith only and every day and to become a
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If that is the case, then I am living the wrong life and I guess I will continue to do so…
At shul on Friday night, I did the announcements and after the service a fellow congregant made a comment to me… she said how I should do the course to become a leader in the shul so I too could one day can lead a service like she was, although not being a rabbi.
I walked out of shul thinking about what she said and just couldn’t see myself ever doing that. Even though I have come to accept the Progressive Jewish stream and have become a Progressive Jew, and I respect my Femal Rabbis at shul and all other Female Rabbis. To me a Rabbi will always be a man first and I cannot see myself standing up there and leading the services and teaching the Torah and being a person of such a caliber.
Please Hashem can it include a baby…and please soon!
The “plan” is that we only know what the plan as we live it: because the best Jews are also Bhuddists, we understand that maybe not knowing the plan is part of the plan (which is just such a Jewish way of thinking.) Have you ever watched “A Serious Man?” It sort of covers that territory.
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Never watched ‘A Serious Man’ , never ever heard of it. But will give it a shot. Do Buddhists believe in a G-d? I thought that just believed in Idols.
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