אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl Pg 64
I started watching , and I am loving it! I will begin season 2 later in the evening or this weekend. I love how on Netflix you don’t have to wait for a week for the next episode, but I hate how I can just binge watch an entire season in a few days and then have to wait for the next season to come out the following year, fortunately that is not the case with season 2 of
but it just may be the case when I finish season 2, should there be a season 3.
I didn’t realize how and how
Orthodox was. And to think I once thought that was the only way I was going to become
. I mean I guess I have always known about it being tough for women, but I thought that in the modern days and new age it had somewhat adapted…well I guess that is what I saw or thought I saw. I don’t think I will ever forget the story that Julia Haart shares
“It was your mother’s responsibility to teach you modesty. … If any of your body parts were uncovered, there’s a very special form of hell that is reserved for both you and your mother. In this hell, your mother would dip your clothes in acid, put them on your body, and so throughout the day your body would decompose from the acid. And then the next morning it would start all over again, for thousands of years, or however many years hell lasts. When you learn this as a child, and everyone around you believes it, you believe it.”
While I was watching I kept thinking about how happy I was that I was converting to Judaism through the
. I mean of course there are many things that I am adapting to in the shul, but I love how open and welcoming it is to all people and their ways. Often Julia goes on about how in the Orthodox world a women’s purpose is to me a wife in the kitchen who prepares Shabbat dinner and pops out kids. Kinda funny how I am writing this now and relating it to how pretty much every community that makes up the world today believes the same thing. No matter where you are in the world, when you are in the
(a word she loves to use in the beginning) core of it; women are disregarded, belittled and not made to be thought of as people of value and worth other than to produce kids and pamper the man. Maybe that is why I am so hard and will not be brought down to serve a man, although with many of my actions you would believe that I think I am nothing without a man. I am sure many women love the idea of pleasing their husbands, but for me it has to come both ways and even though I do enjoy it when I prepare a delicious meal for him or attend to something for him, I don’t like to make a habit of it, because I too want that pampering and special treatment. Oh My Gosh I hate it when my husband does something for me and he emphasizes how he is treating me…when I pay the supper bill or make supper or make the bed, I never make mention of how it is a special occasion or a treat, yet he always does.
In I found it strange how there were some parts where the orthodox girls were showing their knees and Batsheva was wearing many miniskirts when Benjamin wasn’t comfortable with her even wearing pants yet… I really enjoyed the show but was confused sometimes. Like Yoseph Hendler is painted out to be this
, but when you meet him, he appears to be a very chilled guy.