אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl Pg 34
Peace Be Unto You,
Growing up, pretty much every Shabbat Dinner at home or at Family Friends started off with us singing this song.
Even though I didn’t quite understand it fully, I knew the words to it all and I felt it in my soul and heart when I heard it and sang. In fact there are many Jewish Prayers/Songs that give me the . Often I will sit in front of my PC and listen to them on YouTube, I will sing along even not knowing what it means, I will then find some time to find the translation to the lyrics. I mean what is the point of always singing a song and not knowing what it really means?
In my shul we often close the Shabbat Service singing this song, and I will sing along with the congregation and I am kinda proud of myself that I don’t even have to look into the Siddur to know the words.
Shalom aleichem, (Peace be unto you)
malachei hashalom, (ye ministering angels)
malachei Elyon, (angels of the most High,)
mimelech malchei ham’lachim, (ye that come from the Supreme King of Kings,)
Hakadosh Baruch Hu. (he Holy One, Blessed be He.)
Bo-achem I’shalom, (May your coming be in peace)
malachei hashalom, (ye ministering angels,_
malachei Elyon, (ye ministering angels,)
mimelech malchei ham’lachim, (ye that come from the Supreme King of Kings,)
Hakadosh Baruch Hu. (he Holy One, Blessed be He.)
Bar’chuni I’shalom, (Bless me be Peace,)
malachei hashalom, (ye ministering angels,)
malachei Elyon, (angels of the most High)
mimelech malchei ham’lachim, (ye that come from the Supreme King of Kings,)
Hakadosh Baruch Hu. (he Holy One, Blessed be He.)
Tzeit’chem I’shalom, (May your departure be to Peace,)
malachei hashalom, (ye ministering angels,)
malachei Elyon, (angels of the most High)
mimelech malchei ham’lachim, (ye that come from the Supreme King of Kings,)
Hakadosh Baruch Hu. (he Holy One, Blessed be He.)
When I sing or hear this song I think back to something my mother said, I did when I was in Hospital and waking up from my coma.
I would regularly sing whenever this family friend came to see me….I mean there were many other crazy things I used to do, but it is quite funny…and must mean something that while I could barely remember anything and I was convinced I was still in High School, when in fact I was a few weeks into my 1st year in University, I felt a calling to this song.